Gracie's Closet

So, I've already started buying clothes for Grace. I've come to the realization that I can't really shop for me anymore. Nothing really fits right, so I've resorted to leggings and long shirts. Now, whenever I go to a store, I get stuck in the baby section picking out new outfits for Gracie. Isaac really wanted a boy, but I think he's really growing on the idea of having a girl. Today, he picked up a dress and said, "We HAVE to get this!" It really killed me to tell him that our daughter would never be caught dead in something so hideous. A few minutes later we both spotted a little yellow daisy dress and knew that we weren't leaving without it. The great thing about shopping for her is that I can get about 10 outfits for what I would normally pay for one of mine.

Here are a few of my favorites:
Adorable yellow daisy dress picked out by daddy

Little lady bug dress

Berry Sweet tee and matching striped pants (I couldn't resist this one!)

Her first Rebel tee (definitely more to come)

This kid is going to have more clothes than Isaac and me combined!! We still have 5 months before she gets here...I can't even imagine what we will have acquired by then.

P.S. Are these not the cutest shoes you've ever seen in your life?

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