Last Week...

...Grace flipped through catalogues to pick out what she wanted for Christmas:

...her and Daddy played with Baby Tenley:

...Baby #2 is eighteen weeks old. I can feel her move pretty well now. I've been feeling her for a couple of weeks, but it's definitely more distinct now. She's about the size of a large pickle! This week our favorite names are Charley Anne and Gabriella (Gabi).

...I had an ultrasound with my specialist to check on the little squirt. The specialist is needed because we have some history of heart defects on my side of the family and want to check to make sure she is ok. If we were to detect any issues, they could perform surgery on the baby while she's still in the womb!

Everything went so well that the doctor doesn't even think we'll need to see the fetal cardiologist. We'll check on her once more in three weeks to make sure she's progressing well, but the doctor seemed convinced that she'll be perfectly healthy.

I even got a few new pics:

Baby's Profile

Little Cheerleader with Her Hands Above Her Head

Laughing - Happy Girl Like Her Big Sister

My Favorite: Lil' Butt Cheeks

...we got Memphis Barbecue for dinner and Grace devoured her chicken fingers, sweet potatoes, and mac and cheese:

...Grace had her first piece of pizza. She's had it cut up into bite-sized pieces before, but this time I let her eat it all by herself:

...she played with Aunt Geni's Christmas tree at work:

...she also helped us put up Christmas lights in the freezing cold:

...we had some yummy garlic knots from Montesano's: mom and dad celebrated their birthdays on Thursday. Happy Birthday again to the most amazing parents a girl could ask for!!

...Grace watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas forty-five times:

...we took her shopping and she passed out in her comfy winter coat:

...she tried her first Maraschino Cherry:

...we had some friends over for a fight night, so Kasie and I whipped up some yummy appetizers. While halving the jalapenos I got some in my eye, so I finished up wearing awesome sunglasses and Ziplocs on my hands:

...the girls gathered by our gorgeous Christmas tree:

...Grace gave Tenley kisses:

...she also learned a new dance where she moves her shoulders from side to side and had fun practicing it around the tree:

...she played with the presents that I had wrapped (they are all for her so far):

...Cash got a new bed. Gracie seems to like it too:

...we had the best cinnamon rolls EVERRRR for breakfast on Sunday:

...Grace made a video of herself:

...I took more pictures of her in the bath. Since it's their nightly Daddy/Daughter time, I always have free hands to snap pictures:

...we finally got all of our Christmas lights up, and I must say they look awesome! I told Isaac I wanted a lot of lights this year. He's the best:

Phew...that may just be the longest weekly update post ever!

See ya next week :)

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