Last Week...

...we had another ultrasound for the new baby. The doc said her heart looks great and since everything is going so perfect, we won't have another ultrasound until March. Although I'll miss watching her bounce around in my belly, I can now feel her and see her tiny movements underneath my skin, so the fact that she's perfectly healthy and doesn't need any monitoring is a plus in my book.

I did get a pretty good profile picture of her this time. I think she looks a lot like Grace! Here's a comparison:

BABY #2:


I know you're probably thinking that most ultrasound pictures look alike, but I've got tons of friends that are pregnant right now or just had babies, and you can definitely tell the difference. These babies have the same nose, chin, and mouth. I may be biased, but I think Grace is the cutest little girl I've ever seen, so I'm really hoping that this new baby looks exactly like her!

...Noah came over to play and he and Grace rocked out on her horse and elephant:

...we got our annual Hallmark Christmas ornament:

This one is extra special because you can record a saying on it, and it plays whenever you press the button. We got Gracie talking even though she didn't say much. I can't wait to listen to it next year when she's a talking pro!

I got us this one last year, and decided it should be an annual tradition:

I'm hoping that fifty years from now, my tree is covered in nothing but family portrait from each year.

Wouldn't that be awesome?!

...Grace hung out at Grammy and Grandpa's and even rode their reindeer and checked out their elves:

...we celebrated Uncle Zacarias' birthday:

Since he's been spending Friday's with Grace, we got him a box of diapers:

Just kidding, it was actually a box full of ammo:

...we went to Claim Jumper for dinner where Gracie enjoyed an 'I Declair':

...Grace tried to stay warm early in the morning as we headed to Grandma Espejo's for the day:

...we delivered Christmas treats to our neighbors and celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

...we got tons of Christmas cards in the mail and hung them all up to enjoy:

...Grace wore her I Love Santa jammies:

See ya next week :)

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