Baking Extravaganza

This past week, Grace and I had a baking extravaganza!

Every year, my sisters and I usually spend one or two full days at my mom's house baking and decorating cookies.

Two of my sisters now live in Ohio, and we have our own family now, so Grace and I continued the tradition together at our home.

We woke up one morning, went to grab some last minutes supplies, and got all ready to start the day:

We started out with sugar cookies since they always seem to take the longest.

Grace helped roll out the dough and use cookie cutters to make them into shapes:

She got bored with the baking pretty quickly and started playing hide-and-seek in the pantry. She'd go in there and shut the door (with no lights on) and stay in there until someone came and opened it:

I finished the baking on my own and made some pretty sweet treats:

After we were all finished, we packaged them up for our awesome neighbors:

Isaac had the job of delivering them all.

I am now accepting new recipes for consideration in next years Bake-a-thon.

I can't wait to see what we come up with!

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