This Week...

...I was realllly craving snow cones.  There used to be a sno-cone stand near our house that had THE BEST sno-cones ever. We would go every weekend and sometimes during the week with all of our high school friends. We became friends with the old man that ran the stand, and were sad to see him move away a couple of years ago. Since I was craving one so bad, I got online and bought a sno-cone machine!! It should be here Wednesday and I promise I will be making sno-cones every single day when I get home from work!

...I felt amazing! (Except that I feel like I'm super fat! Screw it, right? I'm prego, and I should embrace my weight along with my multiple chins and humongous thighs. At least that's what I've been telling myself. There's always working out and eating healthy after the baby comes.) For the past week or two, I had been having trouble sleeping. My lower back was achey and when I laid on my side for too long, my hip flexor would really start to hurt. This is a problem seeing as how I can only sleep on my side. I was going to start sleeping in our La-Z-boy, but all of a sudden the pain stopped. My lower back is a little achey at times, but I have been sleeping much better and having less pain while awake (which is awesome). I figure Grace must've moved to a different position that agrees more with my body. Since I've been feeling so good, Isaac and I have been able to do more. It's been great to get out of the house and spend time with our closest friends.

...Kasie and Jeremy came over for dinner. We grilled steaks and watched the Rebels beat BYU! We had a great time talking and just catching up. Plus, Kasie made some ridiculously delicious desserts for us. They were in a cupcake wrapper but had a chocolate chip cookie at the bottom with cheesecake on top. Then that was topped with fresh cut strawberries. She left the rest here, and Isaac and I ate them all the next day.

...we went to Montelago Village at Lake Las Vegas for a beer walk. Basically, you pay for a cup and get to walk around the lake tasting different beers at different booths from around the country. Isaac obviously had a really good time and I actually enjoyed it as well. I didn't participate in the beer tasting, but I did get a yummy ice cream cone! Saturday was a beautiful day to spend time outside, and it was nice to hang out with the Gerfys for a while.

...we went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Sunday, Jeni and Allison came with us and we had so much fun goofing around and taking pictures. Afterwards, we all went out to eat together.

My favorite was Britney Spears (holy belly, right?!)

Isaac really enjoyed J-Lo...

...but I think his favorite was Nicholas Cage!

Jen and Allison played with the Blue Man Group,

and Isaac and I posed for pics with Oscar Goodman.

We had a really fun week, and I was happy to be feeling so good!

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