Diaper Bags

Isaac and I have been looking for a diaper bag for the past six months. We couldn't find one that we realllly liked. I wanted one that was pink because Grace is going to be very girly. Isaac wanted one that looked good on him because, well let's face it, he'll probably be the one carrying it most of the time. After searching Coach, Babies R Us, Target, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, and every website that carries diaper bags, we went to Ebay. We started looking for Coach diaper bags because we figured we could get one pretty cheap on there. Isaac wanted a Fendi bag. I don't think he realized how much they were, so I went ahead and told him and also let him know that he was out of his mind.

After an hour of browsing Ebay's listings, we found one that we really liked. It was tan and chocolate brown with a pale yellow, silky inside lining. For some reason, I just wasn't ready to click "buy now" just yet.

After my contractions last week, we decided that we'd better get going and get this thing taken care of before we had a baby and no bag to carry all of the diapers, burp cloths, wipes, toys, bottles, and everything esle in. We went back to Ebay and looked through the listings again. This time we found one that we both loved, and it was about half its retail price!!

So now we've got the diaper bag with all sorts of baby gear loaded up inside just waiting for Grace to arrive. She'll definitly be stylin'.

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