This Week...

...Grace and I spent a lot of time outside playing in the backyard due to the amazingly BeAuTiFuL weather we've been having.

...I celebrated my twenty-fifth birthday.

...we took Grace to lunch at Town Square.

...Grammy brought Grace her very own picnic basket. She loves to chew on all of the pretend food and take pretend sips of her lemonade. grandma made me one of her famous strawberry pies. If you've ever had it, you know there is NoThiNg that comes close to its deliciousness:

...Grace started squealing. When you tell her you are going to get her and come at her slowly, she shrieks in anticipation of your kisses. Here's a shot of her in action:

...she also got to meet Jojo Kitty. He was our cat until we found out that we were having Grace. We passed him around the family, and he ultimately ended up back at my mom's house. Apparently there is some old wives tale about cats and them sucking the air out of a baby while he/she is sleeping. Not sure what to think about this one...but we aren't in the habit of taking any chances when it comes to our sweet little monkey. Anyhow, Grace loved him, and squealed with excitement. Jojo got scared, hissed, and ran away. We're working on it:

...Grace rode her first Merry-go-round and hated it. I guess it's pretty scary when you've never seen anything like it and all of these camels, zebras, and horses are jumping up and down all around you. This was right before she started screaming with fear:

...she got to try out chopsticks for the first time while we ate sushi with Kasie and Jeremy:

...Isaac watched Grace when she woke up early Saturday so I could sleep in on my birthday. I went upstairs to find her dressed like this:

...she sat in her crib for the first time ever and played with her mobile (which she loves):

...Grace ordered her very own drink at BJ's and even drank from it all by herself (big girl status):

...she took her very first bubble bath. Obviously she's had baths before, but Daddy decided to give her bubbles to play with. It was fine for a few minutes, but after the excitement wore off, she was NOT a happy camper:

What a busy week!!

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