This Week...

...we got a little rain, and Gracie played outside with the boys in the cooler weather:

...we also got a lot of rain. Like, A LOT

This is a picture of our house that our neighbor, Shelly, took from across the street:

Luckily, we didn't have any damage, but it did leave a nasty pile of mud in front of the driveway:

The kids didn't seem to mind it. They had a blast getting all dirty:


I also caught Grace trying to climb Daddy's step stool with her dirty little bottom:

She thinks she's so big now.

...I dropped Grace off at my mom's house in the morning and couldn't take my eyes off this beautiful rainbow! It was so bright and pretty:

...Grace got some new shoes. They're her new favs. When one falls off, she brings it to you and cries until you put it back on:

...she also started "talking" on the phone. She must've seen us do it so many times that she knew what to do. Smarty pants:

...Isaac had to work across town at a home show to bring in some more customers to our business, so when I realized it was near the only Farm Basket left in town, I insisted on having that for dinner. My dad used to take me there as a kid, and Isaac and I used to eat there together during our college days. They have this sandwich called The Gobbler that is a turkey breast on a roll and they give you a side of cranberry sauce and mayo to spread on top.

Here's Gracie enjoying her first Gobbler ever:

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