Be Concious of Your Treasures

Thursday morning, we woke up at Grandma Crnkovich's house. It was freezing cold, but I had my husband and sweet girls snuggled in bed with me. I couldn't help but freeze this moment in my mind and think about how thankful I am to have them in my life.

We got up, ate breakfast, and got ready for the day. Then, we played outside on the back porch while waiting for Grandma Sunshine and Grandma Sally to finish getting ready.

Once we were all ready to go, we headed to the nearest Starbucks for some warm drinks to help us forget about the cold outside. We arrived at Great Grandma Jennie's just in time for Rick to carve the turkey. Grace was amazed watching him and stole a bite when she thought no one was looking.
Little stinker ran off with her turkey, while Charley took a ride on the walker.
Everyone finished getting dinner ready, while Isaac took some time to catch up with his Great Grandma.
Soon, we were all rushing downstairs to take our seats. Aunt Carol had the table set up so beautifully.
The girls couldn't wait to eat, and Charley got to go first. She couldn't get enough of Aunt Carol's sweet potato pie! We had a great time chatting and laughing with everyone that we had missed so much.
After dinner, the boys played some football in the back yard. Grace had a blast walking around checking out the snow and huge trees.
Charley stayed inside with her iPad where it was nice and warm. We FaceTimed with some of our family back home, so the girls could say "Happy Thanksgiving". Grace also got in a little chat with Easton and Shelly. Then she played an app where she bakes and decorates cupcakes. She kept making ones with candles and singing "Happy Birthday" to Stefanie since her birthday was the following day.
After everyone was settled in to enjoy the company, watch football, and eat some pie, we got some pictures with the family.
FIVE Generations!
Aunt Susie quickly became Gracie's favorite when she got out the whipped cream and let Grace eat as much as she wanted.
Great Grandma Sally, Great Great Grandma Jennie, and Grandma Lisa.
Isaac found this picture of his Great Grandma Jennie with his grandma and aunt when they were kids. Isn't she just beautiful? Both of their families came straight from Italy.
The girls had fun wrestling with Grandma Sunshine. They would count "1, 2, 3!" and then run and jump into her arms. She'd throw them on the couch, and they'd jump off and start all over.
Before we headed back home to Grandma Sally's for the night, Charley had a chat with her Great Great Grandma. She was gibbering up a storm and had so much to tell her. She followed it up with a big kiss for Grandma. It was so sweet.
We have such a wonderful life and are truly thankful for everyone and everything in it, but this Thanksgiving we were extra thankful. There is nothing like having five generations of family spending the holidays together. Seeing everyone together made us realize just how blessed we really are. We have so many special family members all over the country, and the most amazing parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings right near our house. We are so thankful this year that we got to visit with those that live far away, while keeping the rest of them in our hearts and thoughts.
It made me remember that there is more to life than our day-to-day routine that we try so hard to follow, and that stopping to enjoy life's special moments are the most important blessings of all.
It's common for all of us to complain on a daily basis about the insignificant troubles in our lives. If you listen to what you are actually saying: "It's too cold, I didn't get what I wanted, my kids won't sit still, I need a break, etc.", it is easy to realize that you're complaining too much. This Thanksgiving, I decided that I am going to try my best to do less complaining and try to be more thankful in my every day life. It's so important that we all take time at the end of each day to reflect on the important people that touched our lives, because they may not be there tomorrow. Today we have our health, our family, and a warm bed to sleep in. Everything else is just an extra blessing.
 “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” — Thornton Wilder
Happy Thanksgiving
And don't forget to be thankful the other 364 days of the year, as well.

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