Last Week...

...I ordered this mug for my morning green tea at work over a month ago, and it finally came in! I'm excited to get to use it every day.

...Grace laid in bed listening to Britney Spears. (I found it weird that if the camera focused on the iPad, everything else went dark. When it focused on Gracie, you couldn't see Britney anymore.)

...we met the Luks at the Acacia Demonstration Gardens park for a play date, and the girls had a blast playing with each other even before their friends arrived. I didn't get any pictures of them together, because Jessica and I were too busy catching up. There were quite a few kids at the park, and they all played together, which was so sweet.

...we celebrated Geni's birthday with dinner and drinks at The Elephant Bar.

(Happy Birthday, Geni!!)

...the girls looked adorable, as usual, before dance class on Friday.

...Grace's class is getting better and better at their recital routine.

...we spent Friday night having a "Dubsmash battle" with the Sebastians and the Unertls. My sister Allison and I had been going back and forth all week, too, so we had quite a few hilarious videos to share. I made them into a montage instead of posting each one individually. Enjoy!

...Saturday morning, we made breakfast and all sat together at the girls' little table.

...Charley kept telling Daddy to put his arm up and promising she wouldn't tickle him. "Just put your hand up here, Dad." She'd wait a minute and then go for it. It was so funny that she really thought he believed her.

...the girls got dressed up for Shaina's birthday party that afternoon and looked so sweet. I just love Gracie in those braids!

...we spent the afternoon at Bounce U. The girls had such a great time, that we've decided to do Charley's birthday party there. You don't have to decorate, clean up, or really do anything, so it's a win/win all around!

...Char was obviously exhausted after running amok for the past couple of hours.

...we met our friends at BWW for dinner and hung out at the Gerfy's afterwards. Isaac and Matt made more Dubsmash videos, and Charley snuggled with Lola.

...Sunday morning, we colored with some puff paint pens. The girls loved them and kept asking me to make different pictures for them.

...we went shopping at the Outlet Mall, and the girls got churros in preparation for next week's Disney trip.

...we started on their bathroom revamp and got the cutest little soaps from Sweet Bubble for their counter. Char was so excited when I let her use one for her bath,

...Afterwards, she kept wanting me to eat her feet. Silly little girl!

...Grace tried on Daddy's accessories (the chain was left out from our Dubsmash video - see above).

...the girls showed us their Ally the Alligator song from school, and my stupid phone ran out of storage in the middle of it. It's still adorable, though.

See you next week with lots of pictures from Disneyland and Newport! We're so excited!!

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