Last Week...

...Monday afternoon, we went for a walk, and Gracie rode her scooter and held sister's hand.

...I picked Char up from school ten minutes early, because she threw up after nap time. Poor baby went to bed early that night not feeling very well. Luckily, this only lasted a few hours, and she was fine the next morning.

...Tuesday, we met up with Kasie and her family for some pictures with the Easter Bunny. These kiddos could not be any cuter.

...Wednesday morning, Charley helped me get ready and tried out the eyelash curler.

...the girls wore their Minnie ears from Jakson's party while we drove home from school.

...we stopped by Poppa and Grandma's to visit with them, and Grandma made these cute bunny suckers for the girls to take to school for their Easter party Friday. She's the sweetest!

...I came across this and it made perfectly good sense to me.

...the girls' snacked on cereal while they waited for their school to open on Thursday. It was a little chilly, so Char shared her blanket with sister.

...when I picked the girls up from school, Char was having fun playing with Presley, and Gracie was dying eggs with her friend Kennedy. It was spring break this week, so they were doing extra fun activities all week and bringing home the cutest projects.

(Gracie made this pizza in Accelerated Pre-K!)

...I painted the girls' nails to match Mommy's.

...Char and I did some late night online shopping.

...Friday, the girls had an Easter Egg Hunt at school. Char's teacher said that although she is almost the youngest one in the class, she got the most eggs. Her basket was overflowing and they had to take some out to give to the other kids. That's my girl! 

...since there was no dance class due to spring break, we celebrated Daddy's big week at work with dinner at Ventano.

...back at home, we made some s'mores by the fire pit.

...Saturday morning, Gracie watched cartoons with Toodles.

...we spent the day at Downtown Summerlin shopping and enjoying their spring festival. The girls got their faces painted and had a blast.

...afterwards, we had a late lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

...we met Zac, Stef, and Presley for some bowling, and the girls had so much fun playing together.

...Sunday morning, we watched a cheer competition on TV, and the girls couldn't get enough of it.

...we had an amazing Easter with our families, and the girls stayed at Grandma Sunshine's for a sleep over where they had the best time playing with each other and Papa Craig.

...Gracie's class has a "class pet" named Lucky. He is a stuffed puppy that the kids get to take turns bringing home on the weekends. This weekend was Gracie's turn, so we took him to do all sorts of fun things. They have a journal where they write about what they did and add pictures. I just think this is the cutest idea ever and got all choked up reading all of the other kids' entries. It's really adorable, and Grace was so excited to have him with us this weekend.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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