Last Week...

...Charley was sleeping so peacefully before school, and she was cracking me up as she slowly woke up to get ready. Usually, this child gets up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. ready to start the day.

...Grace made some pretty cool projects at school, including the cutest "All About Me" poster with all things princess and her wanting to make everyone in the world magic.

...that was about it for our usually weekly activities, because we spent a couple of days in Disneyland and followed it up with an afternoon at the beach.

...of course we went to Newport. It's our favorite place in the world. We have so many memories here already as a family with Gracie's first time at the beach, and also Char's. We come at least once every summer, and the last couple of years it's gotten more frequent. The girls love to look for seashells and have a jar of them displayed in their bedroom. That's always what we do first when we get to the beach.

...we weren't expecting to get in the water, but these crazy girls were ready to roll. They loved chasing waves and then running from them.

...we had to get a good picture of Allison's new engagement ring while we were there. It's so beautiful!!

...after Char got a little wet, she pretty much just played in the sand for the rest of the day. She loved rolling around, burying herself, and even grinding it in her teeth (what a weirdo!).

...she convinced Gracie to come help her bury herself, which Grace gladly did.

...then it was Grace's turn, she wasn't as into it and left to chase some more waves after a minute or two.

...finally, Char brought in the big guns to bury her.

...I can't believe how much she loved the sand, because she typically hates being dirty or having ANYTHING on her hands. I guess it's different at the beach. After Char was finished with him, Gracie made Daddy go run around in the waves with her. She's a total beach babe.

...meanwhile, Char went back to burying herself, and then Daddy really got her good.

...Grace stuck to the water with Alex.

...eventually, Gracie got hit by the water and then rolled around in the sand to make it stick to her. She'd run back to the water and repeat the process over and over.

...finally, she was getting cold, which meant it was time for us to go.

...we were all so sad to leave Newport, but we already have a three day weekend booked in a few weeks. We can't wait to spend lots of time here relaxing on the beach and bike riding around town in May.

...Char was super pooped after such an exciting week. She slept like a baby (or not at all like a baby, because she actually slept) all night long.

See you next week!

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