Last Week...

...we met the Ditatas at Hidden Falls park for a quick popsicle where the girls had fun playing in the tunnel:
...we had dinner at Brio: was hot and humid out, so the girls were hot and sticky, which made them extra tired after their baths:
...Charley came down with a fever (her first ever!), and spent lots of time snuggling in bed with Mommy:
...she had some chicken noodle soup for dinner with princess noodles, of course:
...Char wore sunglasses to cover her puffy eyes:
...she played with Daddy's Xbox:
...Grace pushed sister around in her stroller:
...despite not feeling well, Char was all giggles:
...I tried getting Grace to smile for a picture. It never works on the first try, so I have to take 1,213,848 a few to get a good one:
...Charley played with Cookie Monster and learned to speak like him (of course Grace had to join in):
...Mommy got an afternoon to herself and got her nails done:
......Charley snuck behind the kitchen island to play with sister's purse where she couldn't see:
...Grandpa and Grandma Whiting took Thursday afternoon off work to pick the girls up early from school and take them to the new Discovery Children's Museum. Of course, since this was planned in advance, Charley would be sick. She had a fever, puffy eyes, and runny nose. Since she was still acting normal and playing, they decided to brave it anyways. She did great, and both of the girls had so much fun with Grandpa and Grandma. Grace was talking about it for days! Thank you guys so much for taking the girls for the afternoon. They loved spending that special time with you both:
...when they came home that night, Char's fever was still going strong. We had been giving her Benadryl and alternating Motrin and Tylenol to try and break the fever. Nothing was taking it away. After consulting with a couple of friends, I decided to try the DoTerra oils. A friend (and Isaac's old neighbor) was gracious enough to give us some Peppermint Oil, Breathe oil blend, and On Guard oil blend. About fifteen minutes after rubbing Peppermint oil on Charley's feet and back of her neck, the fever was totally gone. The Breathe oil on her chest helped her sleep better than she had in days, too! I was totally impressed. I'll definitely be buying a few of these oils for the next battle of the colds:
...the museum really tuckered the kids out, and they could barely stay awake to watch a movie in bed:
...I woke up to this on Friday morning:
They kill me!
...we went bowling with the Ditatas on Friday night. Grace loved pushing the ball down the ramp and would jump and exclaim, "YESS!" after each turn. She and Tenley got a strike together, and proceeded to celebrate with high fives and fist bumps:
...while we were bowling, the fire alarms started going off through the whole casino. That kind of terrified me, and I decided it was time to leave. We came outside to this crazy storm. The lightning was more like a strobe light going off every second. It lit up the whole parking lot like it was the middle of the day. My friend posted this awesome picture on Facebook of the storm front moving in, too. Incredible:
...when we got home, Grace and Charley snuggled in bed with me to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (how appropriate, right?!). Grace put her arm over Charley and said, "Jesus will protect me, and I will protect Charley." Such a sweet big sister:
...Charley slept her little cold off by taking lots of naps in her crib and then again in bed with Daddy:
 ...Grace watched movies on her iPad while we watched TV with Kasie and Jeremy:
...I had been waiting for a storm alllll day on Saturday, because the weather man promised me one. I finally heard a crack of thunder, and Kasie and I went outside to watch. A few seconds later, there was crazy lightning all over the sky, and a huge rainstorm complete with insane wind and hail followed. I loved it:
...the girls were a little afraid of the thunder, but both fell asleep half way through the storm:
 ...Grace wore my Titans shirt to bed in honor of the start of training camp and gave me her meanest football face:
...Char continued to sleep the week away:
...the girls played in the bathroom cabinets. I've been asking Isaac to install locks on these things since Grace was Charley's age (he only did the ones under the kitchen sing where the cleaning supplies are). Charley broke two bottles of nail polish on the tile in the past couple of weeks. She loves getting in there and playing with Mommy's stuff:
...they snuggled some more (doesn't Charley look so happy about it?):
...we played outside with our cute neighbors. Grace was so excited about it on the way to breakfast and couldn't wait to get home to play with "Oah and Easton":
That's all for now!
See you next week :) 

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