Cooler Weather

After getting lots of thunder, lightning, and most importantly, RAIN, this past week, we enjoyed some much cooler weather. It was so nice outside after that heat wave we experienced a couple of weeks ago, and everything was green and lush.
We're talking below 100 Las July.
We needed to spend as much time outside as possible, so we made plans to meet up with our neighbors out front.
Grace could barely contain her excitement. She loves her some Noah and Easton.
As we headed outside, it started sprinkling. We were sure there was more rain coming, but it never did. We enjoyed the day nevertheless.
The kids had so much fun driving around the street. They're like mini-adults.
Charley rode sister's Minnie Mouse scooter.
When the big kids went back to the Cadi, she insisted on following. She thinks she's just as big as they are already.
Gracie rode in the wagon with Char.
She and Easton tried driving themselves, which always makes me nervous. She's getting better, but you never know with these two...
JJ joined Charley in the wagon, and she learned to say "JJ". Adorable.
Gracie pushed Easton around on her bike.
She joined Noah and rode scooters for a bit.
More neighbors came out to play, and Erin took Char Char for a ride in the car:
Noah has them all pretending to be firefighters. They clean up pretend brush in the street to protect all of our houses. Grace now says all the time, "I have to keep everyone safe!" I must say that these are the cutest firefighters ever.
Charley pushed her baby around in the stroller.
The big kids got out the Play-Doh, and Charley ate a bit and washed it down with some sweet tea:
I tried to keep her away from it, and she hung out with JJ in the pack 'n play for a few minutes. It didn't last long, as she wanted to be with the "big kids".
She tried driving Noah's truck, but couldn't reach the pedals and settled for the Cozy Car.
We headed in after a couple of hours for bath time. Everyone was sticky from the humidity.
We're so lucky to have the best neighbors. Our kids always have a blast together. I can't wait for the weather to cool down more, so we can spend more time outside after work on the weekdays. Spring and fall are the best in our neighborhood, because there are always at least 10-15 kids running around our street.
I'll gladly take more summer rainstorms, though! Bring it on.

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