Last Week...

...the girls were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as we drove to school Monday morning. I always stop at Starbucks on the way, and they always want a sip of my grande iced decaf nonfat extra caramel macchiato.
Side Note: I have been getting decaf ever since I found out I was pregnant with Charley. If I get it regular, and then I don't get one the next day, I'll get an insta-migraine, and they are
Just look at the excitement as we waited in the drive-thru:
...Char and I napped after school:
...we went to Montesano's for dinner. Grace insisted on wearing her snow boots and hat since it was sooo cold outside:
...she got her paycheck in the mail for the modeling shoot she did a few weeks ago:
(Officially a working girl!)
...Charley played with sister's bracelets in the closet where Grace couldn't see her. She has recently become obsessed with them and almost always has one on her wrist:
...I finally got around to buying Char a potty! She wasn't a huge fan of sitting on it, so I made Grace sit on the big potty next to her to show her how it's done. I figure I'll just make her sit there for two minutes about once a week to get her used to it. That's what we did with Grace, and she officially started potty training around eighteen months. By the time she was two, she was accident free and has been going strong ever since. Lord, please let potty training Charley be just as easy!
...the babies had popsicles after dinner:

...they love playing in the closet, and Grace came out looking like this one afternoon:
...Uncle Zacarias, Auntie Stef, and Presley came over for dinner and some play time. The girls all had fun doing their uncles hair with their Minnie curling iron, bows, and barrettes:
...Charley tried teaching Presley how to use her hands to feed herself puffs:
...Daddy and Char went to bed early while Gracie and I stayed up watching movies:
...they kind of took up the whole bed before I moved Grace into her own bed for the night (and made Isaac move...whyyyy is he sleeping like that?):
P.S. Charley's head is the only one at the top of the bed.
...we finally got some rain to help the firefighters out that were up at Mt. Charleston working on the Carpenter 1 fire. The valley has been filled with smoke and ash for the past few days as the fire grew larger. Thankfully, the rain helped a little and the containment increased as the days went on. I have been going up the mountain to play in the snow or have a relaxing lunch at the lodge during the winter since I was a kid. It'll be interesting to see how it looks when we head up there this year:
...Grace face was excited about water day at school on Thursday:
...Charley wore her adorable new kitty shirt to school with the shorts that Grace wore to the hospital the day Charley was born. (Is she really that big already??)
...Grace started gymnastics on Wednesday at a gym near my office. I took a picture of her all ready to leave for class. She was so excited. I didn't get any other pictures, because you have to sit upstairs in the dark while the kids learn downstairs all the way across the gym. There were 6-8 kids in her class, and the teacher didn't really work with her on any skills the whole fifty minutes. Grace just kind of walked through the motions. After waiting three years for her to be old enough to start gymnastics, I was a little disappointed:
...Thursday, we decided to try out a different gym. This one was in a much more convenient place and started right when she got out of school. She was working on cartwheels, backbends, vaults, jumps, and back handsprings during the thirty minute class. We were able to sit right in front of the class and watch her while she had a blast and tried to keep up with the kids that had been there for a while. I felt much better about this place, and Grace practiced backbends and jumps at home all week long. I think she liked it better, too. I can't wait to watch her learn and excel at something. I've been saying since she was practicing her flips in my belly that she was going to be my little gymnast:
(2028 Summer Olympics here we come!)
...Daddy got the girls some powdered doughnuts and milk to snack on (yummm!):
...we had dinner at my mom's house and got to see little Chase. He's growing so fast! Grace admired him and quickly noticed that he had footballs on his shirt:
...the girls played on the floor Saturday morning while Isaac and I tried to catch a few more z's. They were being awfully quiet, so I got up to check on them and found Charley like this:
...when she saw me taking pictures, she quickly grabbed her camera and said, "cheese". She recently learned that new word, but only says it when she's got the camera turned around on me. I can't get her to say it when I'm trying to take a picture of her:
...we got ready and met the Sebastians at Run Plus Fun since they extended their hours until three that day. The kids always have so much fun there together:
...Grace and Charley did their chores. Jussssttt kidding. They actually wanted to sweep the floors...for fun. Grace did more dancing than actual cleaning:
...Charley and I watched Brave on the couch. I just love how much she likes to snuggle. I hope she never grows out of it:
That's all for now!
See ya next week :)

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