By the Water

Since Saturday was supposed to be hot and humid, we decided to head to the lake with my family.
We woke up, threw on our suits, grabbed some breakfast, and headed to Lake Mead.
The girls always get a kick out of feeding the carp, so of course we had to do that first. We grabbed three bags of popcorn and it only took about two seconds for a swarm of fish to gather for a snack.
Charley wasn't sure if she wanted to help, but warmed up to it after watching sister. She stayed far away from the water, though, and only threw popcorn right in front of her. She wasn't about to get close enough to fall in with all of those fishies.
After what seemed like a minute, we were out of popcorn. After a little begging, Daddy got Grace four more bags, so she could feed the hungry fish some more.
Once they were all full, and Grace was all cheesy and buttery, we made our way down the dock to the boat. Charley discovered Papa's ice chest and chewed on piece after piece of ice. She never once complained that her hand was cold. Crazy girl!
Meanwhile, Grace played with Papa's binoculars to "see all of the animals" and excitedly said, "Ohhh! I see a mountain!"
Some clouds rolled in and cooled it off a little, which was wonderful.
When Papa got a phone call, Grace grabbed her phone from her purse and pretended to talk to him. He'd say, "Did you ever get over there to check on that?" and Grace would be like, "No, I didn't." It was pretty funny.
The girls drank their chocolate milk, and we went to the café for lunch when Kasie and Jeremy met us out there.

After lunch, and a quick nap for the girls, we took a boat ride to see the dam and Sandy Cove while mom watched Chase and Charley. We had fun playing in the sand on the beach, but didn't have a tie out and couldn't stay long. Grace loves riding on the fast boat. It makes me a little nervous, but we survived and had fun.
We got back to the houseboat, and swam out back for a while once the sun came back out. It was so relaxing. I could float out there for days.
When it started getting late, we got dressed and grabbed some dinner with Kasie and Jeremy before heading home.
We were exhausted, and the girls went right to sleep.
I just love days like these ones and wish every day could be so fun and carefree! I've kind of been over summer for a couple of weeks, and then comes a day like this that reminds me why I love summertime so much.
Nothing beats spending time with some of your favorite people by the water on a hot day.

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