Last Week...

...Auntie Elisha took Grace to a birthday party where she got to play with Avery:
...we met Papa Rick at Ventano for dinner. Charley got to do whatever she wanted, because Gracie wasn't there. She chose to sit on the table and feed Daddy his dinner:
...Grace and Charley played with Cookie Monster, made cakes out of Legos, and cooked dinner:
(Somehow this video snuck onto last week's post...oops!)
...all of that really tuckered Charley out, so she watched Tangled in her recliner:
...Grace went to gymnastics and worked on stretching, hand stands, back summersaults, and beam. It's the cutest thing ever to watch her little body trying to do all of these things:
...the girls played in their house after some crazy wind blew leaves ALL over our yard, and Charley tried to help clean them up:
 ...I've been getting my nails done every other week for over a year now, and every single time I come home, Grace asks me to paint hers. It's quite a task to get her to sit still long enough for them to dry, but I decided to take it on this week. Not only that, but I also painted Charley's tiny nails for the first time, and got her to sit still as well. They did great, and then they took a bath a while later and half of them chipped off. I touched them up as they slept. I don't understand why their tiny nails can't stay painted for longer than two hours.: was nice out, so we drove to Grandma and Poppa's with the windows down, and Charley loved letting the wind hit her face (they went there twice this week since Grammy was out of town):
...Poppa wasn't able to get them to nap, and they both passed out the second we started driving home:
...Grace is always taking things out of Charley's hand, so she discovered a new place to stash her belongings:
...Daddy and Charley read books together:
...Char sang me songs in bed:
Isn't that the cutest voice ever? Killsssss me! (Pretty sure I've watched this video 800 times already.)
...we had a play date with the Luks after school on Thursday.
...the Ditatas invited us over for some cheeseburgers where the girls all played in Tenley's fort, and Charley vacuumed their floor:
...Auntie Elisha came over to hang out with the girls, and they all watched Brave together:
...some of the Killebrews were in town, so we went to Susie's house for a barbecue to hang with the family after work on Friday. I love them all so much, and we always have so much fun together. Grace and Charley loved playing with their cousins, and Isaac and I had fun playing volleyball and having a few drinks with some of the funniest people ever:
...we woke up Saturday morning and had some strawberries before getting ready for the day:
...we ate breakfast burritos at O'Callaghan Park and then played on the swings and slides. Some Goldendoodles walked by, and Grace got to pet them and loved watching them drink from a water bottle:
...Charley sang herself to sleep on the way home:
...we colored in Grace's ginormous princess coloring book:
...Charley snacked on some Oreos. She only eats the frosting and then we find cookies in the closet:
...we went to The Coffee Cup for breakfast, and Grace played around while we waited for our table (that's what happens when you get there after 8!):
 was overcast and cool(er) outside, so we headed out to clean out the garage and rid the driveway of all the debris from that wind I told you about earlier. Noah and Easton came out to play, too. Grace went over with Noah to watch movies and got all of her energy out while wrestling with him and Easton:
...when they came back outside, the kiddos watched Lilo and Stitch in our garage while it sprinkled:
...Grace and I shared some Oreos with milk. When she went for the milk, and my hand was in the way, she says, "Hey! Get out of here, homie." She cracks me up:
See ya next week!

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