Hoppy Easter!!

When Grace woke up Easter morning, Isaac and I were still extremely tired.

She was sitting in bed and kept pointing up at the top of the closet.

When I looked to see what she was pointing at, I saw her Easter basket that I had hidden away.

I got it down and let her go to town so Isaac and I could get a few more minutes of sleep.

I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures though:

After she opened what the Easter Bunny had brought her (an Olivia DVD and backpack, eggs filled with playdough, and an adorable summer outfit), we let her open the eggs and play with playdough for the first time while we ate breakfast.

I was very surprised that she didn't even try to eat it once.

She loved pulling it apart and throwing little bits here and there:

Next, Lisa, Kasie, Grace, and I went to do a little shopping while the boys went back to bed.

It was raining and still managed to be absolutely perfect out.

Grace got some cute new shoes:

Lisa bought some shirts and pictures frames, and Kasie got some aloe for her sun burn.

The pier was calling our name, but we weren't too sure about heading over there since it was raining.

When we came out of the last shop, the rain had stopped (talk about perfect timing).

We made our way to the pier before heading home and gearing up for the long drive back.

We were really sad to leave Newport Beach.

It's one of our favorite places to be, and it's even more special to us because we have so many great memories with our best friends here.

We're going to make it a point to try and come back every Easter.

Even though we didn't get to be home to celebrate, we had to get some pictures of Grace at home in her Easter dress that Poppa and Gran got for her.

 She got all dressed up, and we spent some time doing our own little photo shoot.

Enjoy some pictures of our Easter Bunny:

Hoppy Easter :)

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