The Real World: Newport

After Grace's first beach day (and a much needed nap), we headed over to my family's house for a barbecue.

We hung out on the porch and enjoyed the weather along with some Pacificos:

Kasie and Jeremy taught Grace how to beat up boys, and she thought it was hilarious:

She got to hang out for a while before we went out for the night:

Since we knew we'd be leaving her with Grandma, Isaac thought we should buy some formula in case she got hungry. We were smart about it and decided to try it out before we left to make sure she'd be alright. She tasted one sip, spit it at me, and threw her bottle in the sand. I guess she didn't like it, so I made sure to feed her a hot dog at the barbecue and make some extra milk to leave for her just in case.

We let her get sleepy and then took off so Grandma could put her to bed. She did much better the second night and slept the whole time we were gone.

We knew it was going to be a great night when we met Suzette (not that one) outside our local hang out "Class of '47":

Francesca quickly introduced her to our Suzette after she tried flashing us. This lady was crazy and we'd do anything to get her away from us. 

Unfortunately, she continued to follow us around for a few hours:

When we finally got away, we hung out at the bar for a bit:

After a couple of drinks, we decided that we wanted to go to Cabo.

The bar, not the city in Mexico.

We had so much fun last time we were there, so we left the boys with their game of pool and headed that way.

We posed for more pictures:

Taught this cool guy how to dance:

And then headed back to meet up with the guys.

We ended up dragging them back to Cabo, dancing a bit more, and ending the night with a cab ride back to the house.

It was a lot of fun, and with our crazy group, totally reminded us of the "The Real World", so we dubbed it the Newport Edition.

Next up: Easter :)

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