The Last Set {Maternity Pictures}

When my sister, Andrea, told me that she was coming to town in March, I knew I wanted to have her take our last set of maternity pictures. She has always been a good photographer, but she has been spending lots of time working on her skills the past few years as well as getting tons more experience. I'm so proud of how good she has gotten, and it still amazes me that she is able to get some of the shots that she does.

We went to the Wetlands on a Sunday evening. It was Daylight Savings Time, so we got there an hour earlier that our planned sunset session. Clouds just happened to roll in that afternoon, so the lighting was perfect anyways.

What wasn't perfect? My kids. Grace had gone to a birthday party sleepover the night before where, apparently, she didn't get much sleep. We also had brunch with Isaac's mom that morning, so she wasn't able to nap, and girlfriend was SO cranky. Going through the pictures, it was hard to find one with her smiling. Charley, on the other hand, kept trying to pose herself in these ridiculous poses. We'd say, "Char, put your arm down.", and she'd put it straight by her side like a weirdo. I was beyond frustrated by the end of the shoot and wasn't sure if we'd gotten any good ones at all.

Fortunately, my sister got so many good shots, and she even managed to get some with Grace smiling. They turned out so pretty, and we love them so much. I can't believe that this is the last time I'll be pregnant. I've always said that I can't picture myself without a baby. I'd have a million if I could, but this pregnancy has been my hardest. I was sick the longest, I'm so tired, and I've had all kinds of scares that turned out to be nothing (placenta previa, preeclampsia, etc.).

That being said, I am thoroughly enjoying watching my belly roll all over the place as this little guy moves around all day, and I love watching Perry talk to my belly and give it hugs and kisses. Char and Grace have both felt him have the hiccups, and it's so funny to watch their reactions. He will, however, be our very last baby. The caboose to our crazy train.

We're so ready to meet this little boy and can't wait to see how he changes the dynamic of our family!

Thanks so much to my sister for capturing these sweet moments for us. She's incredible, and she comes to town at least once or twice a year and offers session. I'll make sure to let you all know the next time she's here.

I'll leave you with this little gem. I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea to wear heels to walk around the Wetlands at seven months pregnant, but my feet were dead, and I was starting to have some stronger Braxton Hicks contractions at the end. Luckily, Daddy brought the Keenz, so he gave me a ride back to the car when we were all done.

We can't wait to meet baby brother and are all so excited to snuggle and kiss the final addition to our family!

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