Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Snuggle Time with Toodles

Perry snuggled my belly and took selfies on my phone.

She sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to my belly. She's been doing this for months now, and it's the sweetest.

Char took some pretty selfies on her iPad, and they popped up in my photos.

Perry dressed up with her friend Acelyn for mismatch day at school, and they looked so adorable.

We had another ultrasound for baby bro. This time they said he was weighing in at around five pounds, one ounce. We will have another growth scan before delivery, but we are only four weeks away. Since babies typically grow about half a pound a week at this stage, he should gain another two pounds or so before he's born. I've been a little nervous to deliver at thirty-seven weeks, but since he should be a decent size, it makes me feel a little better about it. I also asked about whether or not we would need to test baby's lungs for maturity or give him steroids to make them mature faster before birth. They said that thirty-seven weeks is considered full term, and we shouldn't have any issues or need to do anything beforehand. I can't believe we will have a baby in four weeks. It still doesn't seem real!

I continued my weekly monitoring, and baby looked perfect in the ultrasound and on the heart monitor.

Gracie had a scrimmage game instead of soccer practice, so we all went to watch.

Baby brother kicks Perry whenever she lays on my belly, so she gave him a little kick back.

She loves him so much already. I can't wait for her to meet him.

Char Char's game ended in a tie for the third time this season.

Gracie looked so pretty in her braids at her game.

Perry just follows them both around with her wagon on Saturdays. She read books and got to play with Brielle since she came with Grandma this weekend.

Saturday afternoon, we celebrated Ava's 2nd birthday with a party at the park. The girls had a blast playing with their friends and running amok all over the playground. Happy Birthday, Ava J!

Perry was pooped when we got home and passed out on the couch.

She woke up Sunday morning and snuggled with Toodles. We spent the rest of the day doing chores around the house and washing and hanging loads of baby clothes.

See ya next week!

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