Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Hi, Baby Boy!

Isaac took the girls to Grace's practice Monday night, so I ate ice cream in bed while watching The Real Housewives.

At practice, Char and Perry kicked the ball all over the field.

Gracie worked on her goal kicks.

Tuesday was Charley's turn for practice, and Grace and Perry kicked their balls around before taking a break. Perry loves to do everything her big sisters do, so she sat on her ball after watching Grace sit on hers.

Charley fell at school Monday, and I finally got a good picture of her face. I asked her if her hands were tied behind her back or why didn't she use them to catch herself. She said, "well, I didn't want to hurt my hands". This girl is something else.

Perry kept telling me that she was going to be bigger soon and go to Grace and Charley's school.

Char had her field trip to the Smith Center, but she wasn't impressed and thought the orchestra show was too long.

We had a pretty sunrise before work on Thursday.

I had an appointment with the high risk doctor, and my blood pressure was 143/80. I don't know a whole about it, but apparently that was a little high. She had me go get more lab work done that week and started me on weekly monitoring. I will be going every Thursday for a quick ultrasound to check the fluids, and then sitting on the heart monitor for twenty minutes. Dr. Wood also said that she'd like to recommend delivery at thirty-seven weeks instead of thirty-nine. She wants to watch for signs of developing preeclampsia and get the baby out before the placenta gives up. This news had me all kinds of nervous for the remainder of the week. At least I had these cute pictures of baby boy to keep me distracted. I think he totally has Char's profile with the big lips and high cheek bones. He's also rocking a good amount of hair already!

Daddy had the girls work on their boxing skills, and these videos had me cracking up. I'm sure they are loving the fact that they get to throw punches at each other.

Grace's class had pajama day on Friday, and her teacher sent me these cute pictures.

The girls celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday at day care to round out the week.

We went to Coffee Cup for breakfast on Saturday where Perry and Grace built jelly castles as Char sipped away on her apple juice (her poor face)

It was raining when we left, and the girls were loving it.

We stopped in Walmart to see if they had the knock off native shoes, and Charley made a video of herself. 

We've tried to go to the new Juan's Flaming Fajitas on Water Street twice before with no luck, because there is always an hour wait. We stopped in around one o'clock on Saturday and got right in. We were so excited to try it, and it did not disappoint. Everything was so delicious. Perry was even eating grilled onions like candy, and Charley loved the soup.

The girls colored and decorated my house with their masterpieces, as per usual.

Sunday morning, the girls drank their Starbucks on the couch with Daddy.

Perry snuggled with baby brother after her bath.

We cuddled on the recliner and watched movies together.

She climbed in her bed with her iPad and was fast asleep when I went to check on her.

Meanwhile, Isaac was getting rowdy at NASCAR with these crazy guys.

The girls were all playing in the back yard when Perry came in my room so upset that Gracie wouldn't play with her. This video kills me. I've probably watched it a hundred times.

Perry showed off her BBQ face after we ate Lucille's for dinner.

That's all for now! See ya next week :)

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