Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Baby Shower Bumpin'

We hung out at Grammy and Papa Rick's since Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dan were still in town. Perry and Kaitlyn played together out in the playhouse and watched movies.

Gracie had a scrimmage instead of regular soccer practice, so we all went to watch her.

Perry slept over at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's (without big sisters!) with Brielle, and they had the best time playing together.

Isaac coached Char's soccer game since Coach Deedra was out of town. They ended up with a score of 0-0 which actually made for an exciting defensive game.

Daddy took Perry to the car wash, and they even wore matching shirts.

I saw this and loved it. It's a good reminder not to get upset about the little things, because soon enough, the girls aren't going to want us around all the time. (I secretly hope that they think we're really cool and love having us around all the time as they get older!)

My mom and sisters threw us the cutest Golden Knights themed baby shower. We had a blast with all of our family and friends, and the decorations were perfect.

Mom made a Knightly Menu to go with our barbecue lunch that was too cute.

The girls loved running amok with their friends, and we played super fun games like "what candy bar is in the diaper" and "bobbing for nipples".

One of the games was chugging apple juice through a baby bottle. We decided to let the kids get in on this one, but Papa couldn't resist.

Geni made the cutest shirts for all of the cousins to wear. It's crazy to think that #7 will be here before we know it, and then #8 and #9 before this year is over.

Frannie and I finally got to be pregnant together, and it's been fun to experience this journey with her. Between the two of us, there are three boys coming, which will almost even out our mix of kiddos. We've had just girls for so long, that'll it will be interesting to add so many boys all at once. We're both so excited and can't wait to meet these little guys!

Geni took Grace to the Henderson St. Patrick's Day carnival after the shower, and she had fun hanging out with Chase and Kait Kait on the Ferris Wheel. 

Sunday morning, we continued "Baby Shower Weekend" with a Two Peas in a Pod shower for Frannie. It was so cute, and she got some awesome baby gear for the twins. 

When we got home, Daddy decided that he wanted his car washed, and the girls couldn't wait to help.

One by one, the Sebastian boys came over to help, and soon they were all getting soaked and throwing soap-filled sponges all over the place.

Gracie tried out her hover board for the first time and did so good!

We had such a great week! Thanks so much to my mom and sisters for throwing our baby shower. We got all kinds of boy stuff, and had a great time celebrating our final baby with everyone!

See ya next week :)

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