Say Hello to My Little Friend

Isaac's dad gave him a gun for his 21st birthday.

It came in extra handy, because we had someone call our house and cuss me out in a whisper in the middle of the night one time.

I was terrified to stay at home alone ever again, but having a gun around helped.

He taught us each how to handle it, and what to do if something happened.

Isaac took a while, but he finally got his concealed weapons permit this past year.

Our next step was picking out a gun for me.

I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted my own, but now that I've got Grace, it's definitely a good idea.

We go a lot of places alone together, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

Last week, we stopped over to visit Isaac's dad, and he told us about this awesome new gun they had at the gun shop he works at.

We decided to go check it out.

It was beautiful, so we knew we had to get it.

After discussing it for a while, we came home with this little beauty:

The picture really doesn't do it justice. 

It's a fuchsia Sig Sauer P238 with teal edges.

Now I just need to get my CCW, and we'll be in business.

I'm glad that we have the right to bear arms in this country.

It makes me feel much safer knowing that I can defend myself in ANY situation and protect my baby girl from harms way if it ever came down to it.

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