This Week...

...Grace and Ca$h enjoyed some more time outside:

...Grace walked on her own (with a walker):

...Ca$h taught Grace to play tug-of-war with her pants:

...we're 99.9% sure that we've got a mouse in the back yard. We've only had Ca$h for two weeks, and when we went to use the grill this weekend, there was dog food stashed in all four corners. I'm not really sure of any other way it could've gotten there except for a mouse (or two). Since we live so close to the desert, it's not uncommon for them to be in the yard. Time to set some traps:

...Matt and Frannie came over for dinner on Friday. We made fettuccine carbonara (I'll give you the recipe on here some's DeLiSh!!) and enjoyed sitting around talking. After dinner, we watched the movie 127 Hours. Spending time with them is always one of our favorite things to do, and Grace and Ca$h had a lot of fun playing with them:

...Saturday morning, Grace woke up at the crack of dawn extremely happy to watch Olivia:

...we went to Brio for lunch. This is one of my new favorite places to eat. They have ThE bEsT steak salad, and I absolutely crave it sometimes. At dinner with Matt and Frannie, Grace started this new thing where she presses really hard on her food until it sticks to her thumb and puts it in her mouth that way. She continued to do this at lunch Saturday:

...we made a quick trip to the E.R. You can read alllll about it HERE.

...Grace was finally able to fit into her super cute shoes that Aunt Andrea got her before she was even born:

...we went to the botanical garden at the Bellagio with Grandma Lisa.

...Gracie upgraded to a big girl car seat since she was getting a little too tall for her old one. She'll be able to turn around and face forward in another couple of months, so we figured it was time:

She's getting so big. It's hard to believe that she'll be ten months old in a few days!!

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