Last Week...

...the girls must have been really tired Monday night, because they passed out early and took up the whole bed.

...we had another gorgeous sunrise Tuesday morning. The girls always like to watch the sunrise. They say he is waking up and the moon is going to sleep.

...we finally found a fall schedule that works for us. Char will have gymnastics Tuesdays followed by Gracie in soccer at night. Then they will both have dance class on Thursdays. Once Grace's soccer season is over, she'll go back to gymnastics on Tuesdays after Char. It's going to be a busy season! In gymnastics, Char worked on back handsprings.

...Gracie had her first soccer practice. We signed her up with her bestie from preschool, Peyton, because they are going to different Kindergartens and won't see each other every day anymore. She had so much fun and can't wait to go again.

...Gracie does her homework at the dining room table each night, and Char loves to watch her.

...we went to dinner with the family, and Chase was cracking me up with his little folded arms while he colored. 

(These kids sure love their Grammy!)

...I saw this and thought it was hilarious (and obviously true).

...Shelly sent me a video of Grace and Easton playing before school on Thursday. They're the cutest little friends.

...we had dinner at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's on Friday night, and the girls had a blast playing with Presley.

...they watched cartoons with Toodles on Saturday morning.

...Gracie had a second soccer practice on Saturday, and Charley had fun playing with her this time.

...after practice, her coach gave the kids doughnuts. She shared with Char, and then her coach gave Char her own. 

...they had fun singing and dancing in the car on the way to lunch at Memphis Barbecue, because why not?

...after lunch we got them strawberry shortcake for being the cutest girls ever.

...back at home, we watched college football, while Allison and I (and Toodles) worked on a puzzle. There is nothing more frustrating than finishing a puzzle only to discover a missing piece.

...Sunday, we were ready for some more football, and the girls wore ALL of their Titans gear. 

...since they didn't play until one, we went to the grocery store and checked the mail. The girls were so excited that some of their Halloween skirts arrived.

...later, I took a nap with Aurora on the couch.

...and we watched the Titans destroy the Bucs. Here's to hoping Mariota can be great for the them, and they will win many comes in the upcoming years. I love you already, Marcus.

...I'll leave you with this little diet tip.

See you next week!

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