Last Week...

...the neighborhood kids ate popsicles in the garage and looked so cute hanging out in the shade.

...Isaac taught the girls how to spray whipped cream in their mouths. I'm not sure why, because now they do so all the time.

...Grace brought this sweet paper home from school. Just in case you can't see, it says, "A mom is heavier than me." Thanks, Grace!

...she finally remembered to put her tooth that was pulled under her pillow and got five dollars from the tooth fairy. Isaac teased her about pulling more teeth just to make money, and her responses were cracking us up.

...Gracie got to practice playing goalie at soccer practice. I think this was a great drill for her, because it made her run towards kids with the ball and kick it away from them. Usually in the game, when someone from the other team comes towards her with the ball, she runs the other way and takes a great angle to protect her goal. We're trying to get her to be a little more aggressive and get in there to take the ball away before they get to the goal.

...Char and Cam were the cutest crazies while they waited for their big sisters to finish practice.

...we got lots of rain on Thursday.

...the girls at the office threw me a surprise baby shower at work. It was so thoughtful of them, and along with the sweetest baby clothes, toys, and blankets, Julie made a delicious strawberry cake.

...Char took cupcakes to school on Friday to celebrate her fourth birthday. She wore this adorable dress and enjoyed twirling in it all day long.

...we played outside after school with bubbles and our favorite neighbor friends.

...Saturday morning, we took Toodles to the vet to get vaccines and grooming. The girls cried when they realized we had to leave him there for the day.

...we had more rain Saturday, which meant that Grace's soccer game was cancelled for the day. We spent the day shopping and getting ready for Charley's birthday party the next day instead.

...Sunday was Char's fourth birthday party at Mission Hills Park. She has been obsessed with Paw Patrol lately, and when I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday she shouted, "Paw Patrol party!!". You can imagine her excitement when I showed her this invitation. We had planned to play in the splash pad the whole time, but the City of Henderson called me at the last minute to tell me that the splash pad was being worked on and wouldn't be ready for the party. Luckily, I was able to get two huge bounce houses for the party instead. 

...Grace and I went early to set up and meet the bounce house people. She was so excited to put balloons all over the place.

...the bounce houses were awesome and were definitely the hit of the party. They were huge!

...I made Charley cupcakes the night before the party, and when she got to the park, she accidentally knocked the whole tray of them to the ground. Alex ran to the store really quick to grab some cupcakes and a small cake for her. Luckily, I had some Paw Patrol decor to add to them.

...Isaac and Allison spent the entire night before helping me make the cutest puppy-themed treats. We had pupcakes, pupcorn, paw-tato chips, chew toys, rice krispy treat bones, pups in blankets, fetch sticks, puppy chow, and the yummiest punch for the water bowl. Isaac also got lots of balls and toys for the kids to "play fetch" with.

...for party favors, we set up a Puppy Adoption and all the kids got to take a puppy home. Grace and Char wanted to keep them all but had fun handing them out to their friends instead.

...the party was a blast. Charley came up to me in the middle of it and said, "mom, this is so fun! I don't want to leave!". Although I was four days away from having a baby, hearing her say that made all of the work worth it. She loved hula-hooping with Presley and running amok on the bounce houses with all of her friends.

...finally, it was time for cake. She was so silly while we sang "Happy Birthday" to her, and Presley and Gracie helped her blow out the candles.

...we didn't end up opening presents there, because I wanted the kids to get the most out of the bounce houses. When it was time to go, Char wanted to take her balloons home. Since we couldn't fit them in the car, Grace suggested that we let them go and Char could make a birthday wish.

...when we finally made it back home, we had tons of water balloons waiting that we weren't able to use at the park. Our neighbor friends met us outside for an epic water balloon fight.

...Charley had so much fun. Thanks to everyone for coming to celebrate our big four-year-old. I have no idea who got her what for gifts, because she, Chase, and Gracie went through them as fast as Isaac brought them in from the car. It's safe to say we have enough Paw Patrol stuff to keep her busy for quite some time!

Happy Fourth Birthday, Char!! We love you more each and every day <3

See ya next week when we welcome Baby Perry!!!

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