Sun, Swimming, and Fireworks

Our Fourth of Julys almost always include a pool day followed by fireworks. This year we got a cabana at The Westin Lake Las Vegas (thanks Elisha!) and invited our friends to join us for a day of fun in the sun.

Every time we come here, the girls always devour the fruit basket immediately. They didn't change their tune this time, and it was gone before we even made it to the water.

After a few minutes in to upper pool, the kids were ready for the water slide, and we made our way downstairs to the lower pool. Perry did so well swimming around on her own with her puddle jumper on.

She loved the water slide and would yell "again!" every time we took her down it.

We swam for a while before heading back to the cabana for some lunch. Perry was being a cheeseball, and her little baby curls looked so sweet.

The Sebastians arrived, and it was back to the slide where the kids went down over and over again.

We spent most of the day at the pool, so all of the girls fell asleep on the way home, and Perry continued to nap in bed, while the rest of us took showers and got ready.

She finally woke up right before everyone came over. 

We had quite the group for fireworks, and they all looked adorable in their red, white, and blue.

The smoke bombs were a hit, and the kids kept making Frannie light one after the other.

They also loved the Pop Its and confetti poppers.

We took a picture last year with this giant American flag, so you know we had to take another one this year. It always amazes me how quickly these kiddos grow in a year.

(Last Year)

(This Year)

Perry, Acelyn, and Ava played with the Pop It's, and Perry kept dropping hers softly and them stomping on them to pop them.

The kids had fun with the sparklers before we moved on to the fireworks.

Daddy started lighting them, and the kids were a little skeptical at first. Perry was not a fan unless she was snuggled up tightly on my lap. Grace and Easton just went inside to avoid them all together. I think they were traumatized last year when a neighbor's big illegal one fell over and started shooting into the garage.

We always have the best time with our friends, and celebrating for an entire day was the best. There is not much better than sun, swimming, and fireworks and with your besties on a hot summer day!

Happy Birthday, America <3

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