Field Trip to Springs Preserve

Last Saturday, our Field Trip Friday group did a weekend field trip. We met some of our favorite people at Springs Preserve and had a blast exploring the place.

Since my sister was out of town and her kids were with my mom, Allison picked up Chase and Kait and brought them along with us.

We started off in the Origen Museum, and the first thing the kids discovered was this blue water floor. The little ones loved it.

They also liked the sandbox, and I had to practically pry Charley and Perry away from it.

The girls really liked these exhibits with scorpions, spiders, and lizards inside, and Perry made sure to point them all out to me.

We watched a video in the Flash Flood Exhibit and got to see the flood waters roar by us.

We made our way to the outdoor animal exhibits where we had fun learning about foxes, rabbits, turtles, and more.

Everyone was headed back inside, but Grace insisted on showing Ava the big lizard and snake she found. I followed them over there to see for myself.

Back inside, we checked out the railroad and the kids looked at old pictures through barrels.

While the kids looked around at the rest of the exhibits, Perry took Ava for a wagon ride.

They got to use tools from the past and used stones to grind up some grains.

Next up was the live animal exhibits. Perry and Ava loved this crazy guy and would have watched it climb up and down it's tree all day if we'd let them.

We saw snakes and turtles, and the kids bounced from animal to animal loving them all.

This frog was so hard to spot. He's huge, though!

Perry made her way back to her favorite spot.

Daddy and Gracie played with an alligator.

We headed back outside to make our way towards the playground where the kids could really burn some energy.

They had fun going down the huge slide and playing the instruments.

Next up was the train ride, and we all got suckered into buying the kiddos popsicles. It was pretty hot out that day, and the train ride was a hit with everyone.

We played in the Waterworks building and learned all about our water system and how water makes it to our homes.

Perry laid in this boat like she was the cutest little thing, but when she got up we discovered that she was really just pooping in her panties. Luckily, I had an extra pair in my backpack.

We took the train back and headed home for naps. We had such a fun morning with our friends and learned a bunch about Nevada and the desert. I love when we all get together to do fun outings like this, and the girls always have the best time!

Until the next field trip :)

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