Last Week...

Picture of the Week: The Original, The Remix, The Encore, Mic Drop.

Brother chewed on highlighters at the office on Monday.

Perry and Acelyn had their second dance class and may have loved it even more than the first time. Perry was waiting for class to start and told me, "Ohhh, it's going to be so hard, and I'm going to do so good!".

Charley hung out with Brother, and they watched Perr dance through the glass.

She curtsied and blew a kiss at the end.

The girls played outside when we got home, and Perry kept asking me to take her picture in her pretty dress. I think she was made for this dance thing.

Brother was a good boy at soccer practice.

He was also good at the office on Tuesday, hanging out in his rocker and giving me smiles before dozing off.

After his nap, he watched Zootopia and played some more.

He was all smiles, and even some giggles, at my nail appointment after work.

After staying awake all morning on Wednesday, I finally got the little guy to go to sleep around lunch time.

We stopped by his pediatrician's office for his four month wellness check on the way home. Can you believe he's already four months old?

I put him on his play mat Thursday morning at work, and when I checked on him he had rolled all the way to the other side. (He started at the top left of this picture!)

Brother loves his teething toy so much that I ordered a few more, so we'll always have one nearby.

My lizard friend stopped by to say hello. She always hangs out on the wall outside my office window.

Brother was extra silly on Friday blowing raspberries and bubbles as we counted down the hours until we could leave for the cabin.

We played peekaboo, and he thought it was so funny. I always want him to go to sleep, and then he looks so sweet and cozy when he's all swaddled up that it makes me want to play with him.

We drove up to the cabin after work on Friday, and traffic through the gorge was pretty terrible. I hung out in the back with Brother and all of the girls wanted to do my hair.

We saw the prettiest sunset as we started to head up the mountain, and all of the kids passed out.

Saturday morning, Tucker watched over Brother while he played on the patio.

We got the gang all ready to head to the Iron County Fair and had to take a picture of these goofballs in their super cute shirts. Easier said than done.

We had never been to this fair before, but it was so much fun. The girls had a blast going on all of the rides and playing with their cousins.

They even got Papa to go on a ride with them.

We walked through all of the booths and then stopped for cotton candy and some lunch before making our way back to the rides.

The girls played some carny games, while I took Perry on the bumblebee ride one more time. Then they hit the big rides. I was surprised they were both game to go on them, because I was always terrified of these as a kid and still refuse to go on them.

On the drive home, we stopped at a scenic viewpoint to see what all the fuss was about.

We weren't disappointed with this view! Utah has some of the most breathtaking landscape. It's just crazy to me that the rocks are just built up like that naturally. It was such a pretty spot.

We started to drive back to the cabin and saw the sheep making their annual trek across the meadows. There are always so many of them, and the girls get a kick out of it.

Brother hung out on the patio and played with his new toys.

The big kids played football out back.

We saw some deer while we were eating dinner and even caught a buck drinking out of the pond.

Sunday morning, we took the girls horseback riding. Grace and Char ask to do this every time we come up, and we thought Perry would love to go this time, too.

Grace and Charley had the best time. I'm not sure there could be a better view to walk through while riding a horse.

Perry must have gotten her irrational fear of horses from me, because she wouldn't go near them. While the girls were on their ride, one of the guides let her help walk the horse to the water. Once she seemed comfortable, Daddy put her on it, and she was not having it.

After the horses were all back behind the fence, she got brave enough to pet him.

When we got back to the cabin, we got all of the fishing gear ready and headed to my favorite place - Aspen Mirror Lake. I love the little hike leading back to the lake and could literally sit here forever. It's so relaxing and beautiful.

Of course Grammy caught the first fish. She's such a pro. The girls couldn't wait to pet it. Weirdos.

Grace and Charley have gotten good and can pretty much fish on their own now - as long as you bait their hook for them. They can cast their lines and reel them in by themselves.

Uncle Chad was next to catch one, and all of the kids gathered around to watch him get it off the hook.

We hung out fishing for a few hours and had to get a shot of Brother in his fishing outfit that Grammy bought him before we left. He's such a little ham.

We hiked back to the car to go get all showered up for dinner.

The Sooners were playing, and I loved getting to watch them while relaxing on the patio.

Brother really enjoyed it, too.

The second we brought our plates of food out to eat, we started seeing bees, and one stung Perry on the tip of her toe. She just kept crying and saying it was burning, and I felt so bad for her. Luckily, I had brought a bag of medicine up in our suitcase just in case, so we gave her Benadryl and Motrin. We decided to go on a deer run to distract her, and she did such a good job. She just kept her shaking her little foot every now and then while pointing out all of the deer to us.

She woke up the next day all better like nothing had happened. Thank goodness! We had a great weekend at the cabin, and we were all sad to go back home. I love weekends like this where we get to escape every day life for a couple of days and really just pour ourselves into the kids and making memories with them. I wish we could do it more often.

See you next week!

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