18 Weeks and a Crib

This past weekend, we went shopping for the nursery furniture.  We knew that we wanted dark wood and one that can be turned into a toddler bed and then a full size bed for future use.  After a couple of stores, we headed over to Babies R Us and picked out the perfect crib for Gracie :)

We put together the crib and tall dresser, but the longer dresser won't come in for another week.

Here's Isaac being goofy. He was obviously excited about getting the furniture put together!

I had to read the instructions to make sure he didn't put it together the wrong way.

The finished products!!

A pic of the baby bump at 18 weeks.

Hopefully, we'll have the baby bedding in the next few weeks and can finally pick out our paint colors and get the nursery finished up.  I can't wait to see it all come together.

The day before this was my 18 week mark.  That means the baby is as long as a bell pepper and weighs 5 to 7 ounces. (We actually had an ultrasound Monday, and she weighs 8 ounces!)

This week, Grace's ears are in position and she can hear what we say.  Also, her bones are ossificating or hardening, and her five senses are developing rapidly.

The newest addition to Gracie's closet include this adorable little outfit for cabin weather...don't forget to look at the back (it's the cutest part).

I also ordered some cute stuff from Baby Gap.  I'll post pictures as soon as they come in on Thursday!!

22 more weeks until Grace arrives :)

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