This Week...

...we had an ultrasound Monday, and the doc told us that everything looks good.  There was a slightly higher amount of fluid in her kidneys than he would like, but he said he'd keep an eye on it.  Of course I started googling this and was terrified after clicking on a few links.  The explanations ranged from her having to pee to crazy things like deformed kidneys!  I've decided to stay away from the internet when it comes to baby.  I'm sure if it was serious the doctor would have done/said more about it.  We will have another ultrasound on February 8th where we will meet with a pediatric cardiologist to get Grace's heart completely checked out.  With all of the defects in my family we just want to be on the safe side.  They did tell us this week that they could see all four chambers and all four valves, and she has a really strong heartbeat.  That made us feel a little more relaxed about it.

...I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series (True Blood on HBO) and can't stop. I'm already halfway through book #2 and am sure I'll be done with it by the end of the weekend. rained a little bit, which left us with this BEAUTIFUL sunset to enjoy!!

...I also got Grace's new outfits in from Baby Gap!!

Skirted Leggins and Ruffled Caterpillar Shirt,

Pear hat, tee, and socks with skirted leggings,

and the cutest of all...a ladybug outfit!
I got this one 12-18 months so she can wear it next fall after she's walking :)

Sooo cute!!

21 more weeks :)

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