Isabel's Playdate

Dear Pearlita,

Thanks for coming to play with me on Saturday! I had the best time chewing on your ears and paws. I don't really mind sharing my water bowl that much, but remember that my food is off limits. I can't believe my mom took it away when I tried to eat it all really fast before you could have some.

It seemed like it was taking forever for you to come over, so I tried to wait patiently and played with my chicken.

We looked so cool doing our super secret handshake (or pawshake?).

I really like it when we chase each other around the house and back yard. I think our parents do too, because they kept laughing at us!

I couldn't believe how tired I was after all that running.  The next day I couldn't even move! I slept the whole day on the couch with my mom and dad.  I hope we can play again soon!!

Love <3,
Izzie B.

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