Valentine's Weekend

Before Valentine's Day, our loft consisted of an out of place desk, an old analog TV, and a black couch. For the past few weeks, Isaac and I had been talking about getting another big screen TV to put up there. We figured that since the nursery was upstairs, it would be pretty beneficial to have a nice living room up there for when the baby comes.

After browsing every store on-line that sells electronics, we realized that President's Day was the same weekend as Valentine's Day. Since most places have huge sales for President's Day, we decided to wait until then. The sales started on Thursday, and during our lunch break we went straight to RC Willey to see what kind of deals they had. We ended up with not only a new TV, but also a new living room furniture set to go with it. Isaac spent the better part of Friday night moving all of this stuff upstairs with a friend.  We moved the desk into one of the bedrooms and made ourselves a pretty awesome office too!  After they were done, I spent the rest of the night opening it all, putting it together, and arranging (and rearranging) the furniture. I decided that I did not like the furniture up there. It just didn't fit well with the stair railing and walls the way they were.

Needless to say, Isaac wasn't too pleased when I started begging him to move all of the new furniture back downstairs and take different stuff upstairs. By the time afternoon came, he had agreed to switch the new furniture out with our sectional that we had downstairs. By Saturday night, we had everything put together and couldn't be happier! We now have our loft furnished so it feels like a real house upstairs instead of just storage space. It'll be so nice when the baby comes to have all of her toys and swings/bouncers/etc. upstairs and be able to watch TV up there so we're close by the nursery.


The Loft

Our new office (we still have one more shelf to put together)

The next day, my mom brought us over some really pretty flowers and a nice gift bag with goodies (thanks mom!) including a new toy for already has holes in it with cotton spilling out.

So, that's how we spent our Valentine's weekend. Sunday night, Isaac took me to dinner (obviously at Memphis Barbecue), and we came home and watched a movie on our new TV. I'd say it was the best Valentine's Day we've ever had, and an amazing way to spend our first one as a married couple!!

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