Red Raspberry Leaves

Thanks to my fellow prego friend Jamie, I have learned about tea made from Red Raspberry Leaves.

Apparently it helps with all kinds of things during pregnancy.  Some of the most fascinating are:

  • The increase of fertility in both men and women.

  • The prevention of miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage.

  • The ease of morning sickness.

  • The shortening of the second stage of labor (the most painful part).

  • The reduction of pain both during and after labor.

  • The assistance in the production of plentiful breast milk.

  • The allowance of the conracting uterus to work more effectively, making the birth easier and faster.

  • The help it provides the uterus to get back to its much smaller size after delivery.

  • The numerous vitamins and minerals it can provide the mother and the baby while breastfeeding.
Need I say more? I'm going to pick some of this stuff up as soon as I get off work today! Thanks again Jamie :)

NOTE: I would wait until you are past 32 weeks before diving in, as some practitioners believe it can aid in the induction of labor.

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