Grandma's Visit

The week after the Fourth of July, Isaac's grandma and great grandma flew out from Nebraska to meet Grace. We had a wonderful time with them! While Isaac was working, I was able to stay home during the day, so they came over and hung out with Grace and I.

Isaac's Great Grandma Jennie is famous for her pasta and sausage. On Saturday night, she made us a HUGE pasta dinner with spicy Italian sausage and a yummy salad. They all drank some red wine, laughed, and talked about their family history.

The most special part about this visit (besides spending time with these awesome women) was being able to take a 5-generation family photo. Not many people get to do this nowadays, and we had a blast taking tons of pictures.

Grandma Lisa, Great Grandma Sally, Great Great Grandma Jennie, Daddy, and Grace

Grandma and Grandpa Whiting

Grace and Great Grandma Sally

Daddy, Mommy, and Grace

Gracie and her Grandmas

We are so happy that they were able to come spend some time with us and with Grace. We don't get to see Isaac's family as much as we'd like because they live so far away. I know these pictures will be so special for Grace to have when she grows up. We love you grandmas!!

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