Over the River...

...and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go.

This past weekend, we went up to the cabin again since the weatherman was calling for a heat wave in Vegas. (It got up to 116!!) They had a small festival called "Duck Creek Days" up there. It was pretty fun, and we got Grace the cutest quilt! We also got her some pretty cute headbands, but they're a little big so she'll have to grow into them! Here she is getting ready to head to the fair.

It rained on Saturday after we got back to the cabin from town, so we sat out on the balcony and enjoyed the view. Grace didn't enjoy the rain too much.

So we let her relax under the awning in her swing.

After the rain stopped, we decided to go for a ride on the trails and find some geocaches (see here for an explanation). The first one was about 4 miles away, and we had to drive through a river creek. Allison and I were too scared to cross until Isaac went first. Then we came up to some HUGE hills where we also stopped and were sure that we could go no further. Again, Isaac led the way and we reluctantly excitedly followed. It was all worth it when we got the the caches and saw the view.

The second one we came upon had our cousins names written in it. I guess they were the last ones to find it a few weekends before when they were up there. That was pretty cool because we had no idea they even knew what a cache was.

When we got back,Gracie got to take a nice, warm bath.

And then cuddle with mommy in her towel. This is one of her favorite things to do.

We absolutely love going up to the cabin and can't wait to take Grace up there in the winter when tons of snow is on the ground. I'll teach her how to make her first snowman and throw snowballs at Daddy :)

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