Labor Day Weekend!

For Labor Day weekend, my Uncle Brian, Aunt Kim and cousins Brittany and Marissa came to visit. They live in Reno so we don't get to see them very often, but they are some of our favorite people! We all went to the lake to stay on the houseboat. It was such a fun weekend riding jet skis, tubing, and eating A LOT. We were really sad when they had to go home, but hopefully we'll get to see them again soon.

Here is Grace sleeping while Marisa held her for the first time:

Isaac & Grace had fun playing with the cousins, and Marisa passed out stickers to everyone:

Grace took a nap before we headed to the lake. She learned how to roll onto her side, so that's how she likes to sleep now:

She scratched herself for the first time last week too. I didn't see her do it, but she went to bed without it and woke up in the morning with this little mark by her left eye:

Grace found her tongue. She likes to play with it:

Grace also likes to blow bubbles and has been drooling a ton:

We are so SO SOOO excited that football season is finally here!  Grace had a fun time watching the games with her Pooh Bear:

She also got to go shopping for a new jacket for the fall. It's a little big because it's for the next few months.

And that's what we've been up to this week.

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