Three Months Ago...

little Gracie arrived and changed our lives forever! I can't believe she is already getting so big.

Some of her big milestones this month:
  • She learned to scoot around the kitchen in a walker.
  • She weighs about 15 pounds!
  • She has learned to use her hands and has to hold onto everything she can. She's got a tight little grip, too.
  • She found her tongue and sucks or chews on it when she's not busy eating her hands.
  • She has been drooling EVERYWHERE!! Seriously...her shirts are constantly soaking wet, so I try to keep a bib on her as much as possible.
  • She can almost sit up on her own with very little help.
  • She can stand up and hold her own weight if someone is helping her balance.
  • She has fallen in love with the tv (this could be a bad thing).
  • She smiles constantly. Especially when you talk to her.
  • She's started to coo and gurgle when you're talking to her.
  • She can pretty much roll over from her back to her tummy with just a teeny nudge.
Grace has had a busy month. She still isn't sleeping through the night, but she only wakes up for about 10 minutes every three hours to eat and falls right back asleep (usually while she's still eating). She is the perfect little girl. She is always good when we go out to dinner or to the store, and smiles at everyone she meets. We couldn't have asked for a more precious little angel :)

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