Staheli Farm

Last year, my Aunt Laura told us about a farm in Washington, UT that she took her grandkids to.

It had hay rides, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and lots of other fun activities for kids.

We really wanted to take Grace, but we were at the cabin about two hours away, plus she was a little young.

Now that she's bigger, we were determined to take her for Halloween this year.

We invited our neighbors, The Sebastians, and Grace's best friend, Kasie, to make the trip up there for the day.

Of course they all wanted in, so we planned it out for the Saturday before Halloween weekend. This way we could have enough time to carve pumpkins before the holiday.

When we first arrived, we weren't really sure what to think. There was stuff everywhere, but it didn't seem like there was much for the little kids.

We took some pictures on the saddle:

Grace started out by hopping on a tractor and riding around:


Then her and the boys decided to move on to something a little bigger:

Next up was the rubber duck races. Noah was really good at making the ducks go fast, but Grace and Easton were a little too...well, little:

Luckily, they had a blast hoarding all of the ducks and rearranging them on the lines:

We really need to get Nick and Isaac to build one of these at home for the kids ;)

Grace also went down a slide that landed her in corn kernels. She was terrified, but Daddy made her face her fears. No worries though. Momma was there to catch her and hug her 'til she stopped crying:

She got happy again when we went to the petting zoo area of the farm. She got to pet rabbits, pigs, and goats:

Noah gave the babies a ride over to the other side:

One of the goats became Grace's best friend. She tried hugging his neck like she does to Cash:

 It was so cute. Then the cuteness ended when Daddy took her to see the turkey's, and she got her very first turkey bite.

I'm not talking about delicious, Thanksgivingness turkey.

It was the other way around.

This turkey took a bite out of her:

It scared her more than anything and she cried for about ten seconds. Then we hopped on a tractor/wagon ride to take us to the twenty acre corn maze:

When we arrived, the kids climbed up the Daddies put the kiddos on a giant haystack to take some cute pictures. Aren't they adorable?!

As we walked through the maze, we snatched some corn to take home for decorations only to find bugs in them. No thanks!

We ran down one "dead end" and abandoned Grace so we could get some cute pictures of her in the maze by herself:

It worked out well. (Suuuuper cute!)

We went through the maze for a while and somehow ended up going in a circle back to the entrance before we got even half way through. It was all good though, because the pumpkin patch was up next.

Finally, we made our way over there. Grace picked out a few pumpkins and tried to carry them back for Dad:

They were a little heavy, so he got to carry all three back on his own. I helped out by carrying Grace.

We rode back to the farm and lined up to pay for our pumkins. I was pretty amazed to find out that all three of ours were only seventeen dollars combined. What a great deal!

We had such a fun time on the farm. I'm sure we'll be heading back next year.

Oh...and we stopped by Cracker Barrell for lunch on the way there where I fell in love with these rocking chairs. I'm definitely going to need four of them for my front porch:

Here's a link to the farm's website in case any of you are interested!

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