This Week...

...Easton and Grace rocked out in the Barbie jeep:

...Isaac and I pulled out the panini maker we got for our wedding (thanks Johnny & Monica!!) and used it to make all kinds of yummy paninis. My favorite were the grilled chicken paninis:

...Grace got out of the bath and ran to the dryer with Daddy to get a clean towel. I absolutely love her little bare bottom running around. She's so stinkin' cute:

...she got a coloring book and some new crayons and colored a pretty picture which I immediately took to work and hung above my desk for all to see:

...Noah took Grace for a ride in his cool truck:

...Daddy cut more roses off our bushes in the back yard and let Grace admire them before putting them on the counter in a vase:

...Grace climbed on Grammy's desk to play with her computer:

...she had her sixteen month doctor's appointment with Dr. Vu where she got some shots. Don't worry though. He gave her a sucker that cheered her right up:

...we visited Staheli Family Farm with some good friends.

See ya next week :)

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