Cinco de Mayo

This year on Cinco de Mayo, Floyd Mayweather and Miguel Cotto were scheduled to fight.

Since Isaac and I love boxing (and Isaac does have some Mexican heritage), we decided to have a little party and watch the fights.

Miguel Cotto is my favorite since Oscar retired, so I was really excited to see how he'd do against Mayweather.

Charley was only five days old and already got to experience her first fight night...

...complete with mustaches:

We tried getting a family shot, but Grace wasn't having it:

(Sad because this would have been a great one to frame!)

Matt was the only one with a real mustache. The rest of us glued them to our faces:

Isaac set the camera up to get a few group shots:

We ended up setting the self-timer to take ten consecutive pictures:

Needless to say, the guys got a little crazy:

Ever since this night, Grace has been in love with taking pictures. She'll play with the tripod, count to three, and then run in front of it and pose while saying "cheeeeese". It was so funny the first time she did it on her own. You don't realize how much your kids are picking up from everything that you do until moments like this.

As you can see, we had a great night. Miguel Cotto even gave Mayweather a fight!

We had delicious food, loud laughs, and our best friends...what more could you possibly want from Cinco de Mayo?!

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