Memorial Day

We usually go out of town for Memorial Day weekend but decided to stay home this year.

Life has been crazy lately, and we knew we could use a few days of relaxing together to kind of regroup.

We spent Saturday shopping, and Grace and Charley both got some super cute new outfits.

Sunday we went to see the Beach Boys with Kasie and Jeremy.

Monday we spent the entire day in the back yard enjoying the beautiful weather and each other's company.

Charley even spent the whole day outside and loved every second of it:

Grace got a new pool, so Daddy blew it up for her, she put her swim suit on, and went outside to check it out:

Then she sang "Rockabye Baby" to Charley and rocked her in her sleeper:

We tried out the slide on her pool:

She was too afraid to actually go down. We'll have to practice more next weekend.

Charley napped and then hung out some more:

Grace ate a pouch and got Daddy to set up her other new water toy:

She didn't want to run through it like a normal kid, but she was all about Mommy running through it:

Charley tried out the pool by dipping her tootsies in:

Grace took a Cheeto brake:

Then she finally got brave enough to play in the sprinkler:

Afterwards, she decided she needed her second pool as well:


We got the cutest little towel that turned out perfect for days like this:

After she played outside for hours, we came in, took baths, and snuggled on the couch.

I tried explaining to Grace that today was Memorial Day. I told her that sometimes, other places are mean to our home. When they are, our military puts them in time out and tries to teach them to be nice to us. They protect us. I taught her to say "Thank You Military" which sounded a little more like "tain too meetee". I don't know if she got the concept, but it was pretty cute!

Thank you to all of the men and women who have fought to protect us and our freedom!!

Happy Memorial Day!

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