Last Week...

...Gracie started swimming lessons! She cried the first few minutes, but did alright after she warmed up to it. Hopefully little cutie will be swimming on her own by next summer:

...I made some rice krispy treats, and Grace loved them. She snacked on them after school while playing Monkey Preschool Lunchbox on the iPad:

...our little Rebel girl partied in our bed before she went to sleep Tuesday night:

...we went to Grandma and Grandpa Espejo's where Grace had an ice cream cone and Charley snuggled with Daddy (her favorite thing to do):

...we had dinner at Villa Pizza. Apparently, Grace approved:

...we had extra fun Mommy and Gracie time before bed on Thursday:

Peek-a-boo was Grace's favorite part:

...we stopped by a group play date where we caught up with some ladies from high school. Grace swam in her clothes while Charley slept, although she was all smiles as we were leaving:

...Grace got a Slurpee after school and drank the whole thing:

...the girls' Minnie Mouse recliners came in and they had fun watching movies in their new chairs. Grace hasn't gotten out of hers since. She's totally in love with it:

...Mommy and Charley hung out Saturday morning, and Charley learned how to reach for toys:

...we had pancakes for breakfast, and Charley was feeling a little left out:

...we hit up the splash pad with the Sebastians:

...we actually made it to Lake Las Vegas for jazz by the lake this week. We had dinner at Sonrisa Grill with Grammy and Papa Rick before the show:

After dinner, we got all settled in on blankets in the grass:

Charley was fascinated watching sister play:

Isaac taught Grace how to eat sunflower seeds:

Papa Rick played with Charley while Grammy and I went to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory:

I got a s'more on a stick. Best.Thing.Ever.

After two hours of waiting/sweating, the show was cancelled due to lightning. I guess we'll have to try again another time. But hey, that s'more on a stick was totally worth it.

Grace and Papa stopped by the fountain to check it out before we left:

...we found some awesome book shelves that we are going to build for the babies' play room. As if Grace doesn't already have enough books, we decided to stop by the bookstore every Sunday to buy her and Charley each a new one. I'm excited to get them all of the classics that I read as a kid.

I guess all of the reading we did when we got home really wore Charley out. She napped in her crib for a few hours:

Next week we'll be heading up to the cabin for Duck Creek days. I am so excited to get out of the heat for a weekend and see Grandpa and Grandma Smith (plus all of our awesome cousins and Aunt Laura).

I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures to share.

See you later!

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