All Better

This weekend, we headed up to the cabin for Duck Creek Days:

Last year we had a great time, so we knew this year would be no different.

Our trip was very relaxing, traumatic, fun, and terrifying all at the same time.

I'll explain by saying that although we had a great trip, we had to call 9-1-1 for Charley and take Grace to the emergency room by the time the weekend was over.

(This Mommy is in serious need of a good night's sleep right about now!)

Friday, my mom took Charley up to the cabin with her while Isaac and I were at work. We got off a little early, picked Grace up from my grandparents' house, and started our drive up to Utah.

Only a minute or two after we got on the freeway, my mom called and the first thing she said was, "Let me start by saying that Charley is perfectly fine." That totally freaked me out right from jump street. "What happened?" was all I could manage to say. My mom had stopped at my Aunt Laura's to introduce her to baby Charley. After their visit, mom put Charley in the back seat and shut the door to get into the driver's seat.

Side Note: My mom recently got a new car (gorgeous Audi Q7) that has all kinds of bells and whistles. You don't really need a "key", because the keychain you carry allows you to start the car and lock/unlock it. It doesn't lock when the key is near, so it's impossible to lock your keys in the car.

Apparently, there was a malfunction with the remote, and it locked baby girl in the car. Since the car was off and it was hot out, mom started to panic. They called 9-1-1 and proceeded to try breaking the side windows to get her out. Even with a sledgehammer, the windows wouldn't give. Eventually, they took an axe to the back of the car, mom climbed in, and Charley was saved. She was a little sweaty and a little pink, but other than that, she was fine. I am sure my mom had a worse experience than Charley. She was so upset telling me what had happened. I felt horrible and couldn't wait to get baby girl back in my arms just to kiss her face.

When we arrived at my grandpa and grandma Smith's about two hours later, I picked Charley up and gave her an extra tight squeeze. It was nice to see that she really was totally fine. My poor mom was still upset, though. Charley's great grandma Beth finally got to hold and snuggle with her, so it made the whole ordeal worth it:

After a nice visit with my grandparents, we headed up the mountain to the cabin.

We had a delicious dinner at Buffalo Bistro and saw tons of deer. Since Grace has been really into Bambi the past few weeks, she totally loved seeing them.

After dinner, everyone hung out downstairs in the game room and spa. I chose to snuggle in bed with my two girls on either side of me. Nothing like sleeping babies snuggled right up next to you after an experience like the one we had that afternoon.

The next morning, Charley and Daddy watched the Olympics while Grace and I showered and got ready for the festival:

After a few minutes, Charley decided it was already time for a nap:

Once she woke up, we headed to Duck Creek. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. It was overcast and just about to rain, so it was nice and cool:

I was smart this year and remembered the stroller and the Baby Bjorn. This worked out well since Charley ended up sleeping the whole time we were there:

We walked around and checked out all of the booths, but didn't buy too much. Our main goal each year is to find the best quilts/blankets since they always have awesome ones. The best are the ones that are super long so you can cuddle up under them and they cover you all the way down to your feet. They're super soft, and have twisty things (my favorite part). My mom bought a green one with cute frogs and a blue one with penguins (Grace dubbed it the Happy Feet blanky). We came across a Minnie Mouse blanket, so of course we grabbed it for the girls:

Grace wasn't too sure of the face paint, so we had her arm painted instead. How cute is this lil' lady doing the painting:

When she grabbed Grace's arm, she said, "oohhh, it's chubby" with a huge smile on her face. She was the best!!

Grace was so proud of it and waited patiently for it to dry:

After my mini-shopping trip, Isaac got a Navajo taco and thoroughly enjoyed it:

Meanwhile, Grace was devouring a Texas Twister:

Charley was more interested in her blanket than the food or drinks:

We hung out for a while longer enjoying the day before heading back to the cabin for a party with some great family friends:

Once we were back at the cabin, Grace played outside with Aunt Geni:

She also hunted for pine cones with cousin, Elias:

And played under a tree fort:

They played in the rain when it started coming down:

Grace sat with Mommy and watched the boys play some horseshoes:

She loved watching the rocks make "spashes" after she threw them into the pond:

Charley hung out on the patio in her swing:

And played with Aunt Laura in her cutest Minnie Mouse outfit:

John, Monica, and Natalee Simmons came over to hang out with the rest of us. We had tons of food including carne asada, rosemary roasted cashews, and three different pitchers of margaritas! After stuffing ourselves, my baby girls went to bed and snuggled together. I couldn't resist taking pictures, because it was so precious:

At the end of the weekend, we drove home with the windows down because Grace wanted to "feel the outside" some more:

Last week at the bookstore, she got Clifford (the big red dog) and hasn't gone anywhere without him. He got to come to the cabin, too and kept Grace company on the drive home:

Once we got home and unloaded the car, I helped Grace go potty and wash her hands. When she finishes washing her hands, I always pick her up by her hands and help her off of the step stool. This time, her elbow decided to dislocate itself. She kept saying "owie" and wouldn't move her arm. It was like it was glued to her side. Since we've been through this once before, I immediately knew what was wrong. I felt horrible since I was the one that dislocated it.

We took her to the hospital, and she sang the whole way playing with her other arm. That made me feel a little better, because at least she wasn't in pain. Once we got there, the doctor took her right back and popped it back into place. He said that once it happened the first time, she would be more susceptible to it until her tendons strengthened around age 5. Then there shouldn't be an issue again.

When it was back in place, I asked Grace to reach for a toy. She moved her arm and looked at it with this quizzical look on her face. I asked her if it felt better, and she excitedly squealed, "yeah!". It was so cute. The doc gave her a popsicle and she was all smiles again. The whole ordeal took less than an hour. She was so happy and kept telling me that her arm was all better:

So that was our wild and crazy weekend. Like always, we had a great time at the cabin and made it home in one piece (almost).

Here's hoping that next week is a little calmer in the emergency department!

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