Quest for Quilts

(Warning: this blog contains a crazy amount of pictures for your, a lot!)

If you've been following for a while, you know that my family has a cabin in Elkridge, UT (about 10 minutes past Duck Creek).

We like to go there to get away from Vegas and escape the excessive heat warnings.

Every summer, we head to the Duck Creek Days festival. They have awesome food, adorable things for babies/small children, and THE cutest quilts you've ever seen.

Since the festival was this past weekend, we left work at noon on Friday and made our way up the mountain.

Once we arrived, we were shocked by how cool it was. We're talkin' sixty-five degree highs! It was a blessing since we've been enduring the blazing heat of summer the past few weeks.

Grace put her new boots on and we hung out in the front yard while deciding what to do for dinner.

Grandpa Rick has a fire pit up there and she really liked taking rocks and twigs out and then throwing them back in:

After playing outside for a bit, we headed to our favorite restaurant on the mountain, Buffalo Bistro.

They have some crazy menu items like Rocky Mountain Oysters, Rattlesnake Meat, and even Boar Ribs. I'm too afraid to try any of that, so I always end up getting the T-Bone Steak. It's always cooked perfectly and is humongous.

After dinner we went back to the cabin, and Grammy had finally made it.

She and Grace went to snuggle in bed, and Isaac and I layed on the front porch watching a meteor shower.

It was pretty awesome!

You're just sitting there and then all of the sudden a gigantic shooting star flies across the sky.

The next morning, Grandpa took Gracie on a ride in the Razor while the rest of us cooked breakfast:

After we ate, we sat on the porch enjoying the weather before getting ready for the festival:

Kelli and Eddie decided to drive up for the day since they are expecting a little one soon.

I've been raving about these quilts, and she was dying to get her hands on a couple.

While we waited for everyone to get ready, Grace explored a bit:

She made a new friend in the bear on the front porch:

Finally, we left for Duck Creek:

The festival was bigger this year and packed full of people:

When we finally found our favorite quilt vendor, we couldn't decide on just one.

Grammy showed Grace a pink one with frogs and a purple one with bears. She picked a brown one with puppies. I was excited because I've got a puppy blanket that I've slept with my whole life and now Gracie has her very own puppy blanket:

That one is Grace's favorite.

My favorite is this one:

We got it to go in Grace's room when we get her a toddler bed soon.

I can't wait to re-decorate. It's one of my favorite things to do!

After hours of walking and about ten quilts later, we were ready to head back to the cabin. 

We were so excited in our quest for quilts that we actually forgot two of them (one being Grace's favorite), so my mom went back down there to try and find them.

Turns out we picked them out and walked away without even paying for them.

Luckily, the woman had set them aside for us so Mom was able to bring them back.

While she and Rick cooked dinner, we hung out on the porch and Grace wore her fairy wings that we got in Duck Creek:

Then we headed down to the pond in front of the cabin to skip some rocks:

It was sooo beautiful up there.

We even stopped by Navajo Lake on the way home to take in the GORGEOUS scenery:

Thanks for letting us come, mom!

We can't wait to make another trip up there.

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