One Plus Two

One year plus two months...Grace is now fourteen months old!


This little chunker just keeps getting better.

She has ELEVEN teeth.

Wears size 5 shoes.

She's in 2T clothing for the most part, although she can still get by on her 18 month clothes.

Loves to brush her teeth.

Only nurses at night and eats all kinds of big kid foods (her favs are corn-on-the-cob and macaroni).

Can't get enough of the movie Toy Story 3...we've watched it at least twelve times this week.

She loves to play with other kids her age. Especially Noah and Easton.

Weighs 24 pounds.

She's in size four diapers and has been for quite a while.

Plays with shoes like they're the greatest thing in the world. She's constantly got one in each hand.

Loves to play with mommy's jewelry.

Reads books to Daddy in gibberish.

Still loves Olivia!

Little baby girl has grown into the funnest, sweetest kid in the world. We have so much fun with her. She has got us laughing constantly, and we cherish the moments when we actually get to snuggle her. She's so independent and so smart. I absolutely love watching her grown and learn. We couldn't have been blessed with a more perfect little girl.

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