This Week...

...Grandma Lisa took Grace to the mall on Monday to people watch. They both had a lot of fun:

...Grace read Cash and me a bedtime story. She really loves this dog. Whenever he comes inside she screams with excitement and they take turns chasing each other all over the house. Although he drives me nuts, they truly are best friends, and it's adorable to watch:

...we made dinner at home every single night (except for one...see below). This really is an accomplishment for us. I'd say we usually cook at home once a week if we're lucky. I'm very impressed. We even bought all organic groceries, but that explanation is for another time. We're hoping to continue this habit so we can teach our daughter (it still sounds weird to say that) healthy habits. Here's Daddy helping Grace with her corn-on-the-cob:

...Grace and I ate some pretzel bites while shopping for some more new fall clothes:

...we celebrated Ellie's birthday at Ventano, and Grace helped her open her presents:

(Happy Birthday, Ellie!!)

...Grace has started to play for a while in bed before she goes to sleep. I think normal parents would tell their kids no and make them go to bed, but she's just so precious that I can't help but indulge her. We have tickle fights, share eskimo kisses, and snuggle before she finally decides to lay down and go to sleep. It's probably my favorite time of the day:

(Kind of hard to see...but the giggles are worth it.)

...Grace tried on her new hat for Daddy:

...she's gotten really good at the Itsy Bitsy Spider:

...we continued our Saturday morning ritual by watching Olivia at seven o'clock. The theme song is Grace's favorite part:

...Grace discovered the bathroom cabinets. She climbs in and takes everything out. Then she takes the lids on and off and carries lotions around all over the house. She's such a girly girl:

..Daddy took us to breakfast at IHOP, and Grace was a little cheese ball:

She got her own menu, and Daddy helped her pick pancakes and eggs:

...we had Capriotti's for dinner, and Grace ate her first sandwich all by herself:

...she ate Fruit Loops for breakfast:

...Grace played with pink Playdough and only tried to eat it once:

...we played in Grace's crib that she's never slept in:

That's all for now.

See you next week!

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