Last Week...

...we had Monday off for Labor Day, so we had breakfast at O'Callaghan Park and played for a bit.
...after the park, we headed to the mall where our crazy kids talked us into buying these Beanie Balls. Charley tried stealing hers before we paid for them.
...when we got home, Grace drove Charley around in their Cadi while Daddy washed both of our cars.
 and driving around really tired the girls out, so we napped while Daddy finished up outside.
...we had plans the previous Sunday to barbecue with the Sebastians, but Grace got sick, so we had to cancel. We had lots of food, so Kasie and Jeremy came over Monday night for dinner. We had lots of yummy stuff to grill and watched Life of Pi afterwards.
...Grace was so proud at gymnastics on Tuesday. She jumped to the bar on her own and worked on handstands and cartwheels. She loves to be first in line and will cut in front of other kids when she comes back if they aren't paying attention. She cracks me up.
...after gymnastics, we went to Jason's Deli for dinner. The girls love eating there, because they always get ice cream cones after dinner. Charley shared hers with Daddy and got him in the nose or chin. She needs to work on her aim.
...the girls snuggled in the living room while watching Brave.
...Char tried really hard to put her necklace on her Kangaroo on the way to Grammy's on Wednesday.
...she played with her vanity and did her make-up.
...we had dinner at Pei Wei where Charley ate plate after plate of edamame. She then learned a new trick and thought it was hilarious to keep sticking her fingers in her nostrils (when she could find them) after I took them out and told her "no!'.
...Grace and Chawee played in bed when they were supposed to be going to sleep. I can't help but giggle with them. They're so darn cute,
...Gracie and I went wedding dress shopping with Francesca and helped her find the perfect one. Grace enjoyed looking at herself in all of the mirrors and making faces while we waited for Frannie to change into her dresses.
...we went to the Las Vegas 51's baseball game with the Sebastians and the kids had a blast. They shared cotton candy, snow cones, and even beat each other up with some alien friends. Charley stayed out of the chaos and fed hers fruit snacks.
(Thanks for inviting us, guys! We had so much fun, as per usual.)
...we had breakfast at Fausto's and then hung out at Hidden Falls park, because the weather was so beautiful. The girls had fun running amuck and playing on the "big kid" playground.
...after a long nap that afternoon, we headed to Sam Boyd Stadium to catch the Rebels first home game with Matt, Frannie, Kasie, Jeremy, and some of our other friends. We had fun tailgating even though the Rebs got their butts handed to them. I don't remember even seeing the stadium so full of people. It was awesome!
...we woke up so excited for football on Sunday. Charley heard the rain and got right out of bed to look out the window to investigate. It was raining pretty hard, so we headed to Starbucks for some coffee before settling in for our big games. My little Titan girls were so cute. The best part? The Bears beat the over-rated Bengals, and the Titans smothered the Steelers in Pittsburgh. Talk about the perfect way to start a season. The girls had fun having a tea party with Titan Mickey while we watched the game, and then played with all of their princess dress up material. Girls that love football and princesses are the best kind.
...while we watched football, Stefanie and Presley came over to hang out (Zacarias was gone on a fire). The girls had a blast eating doughnuts and dressing up. I just love watching them play together. They're so adorable. 
(Princess Presley loved the tiaras. Guess what she's getting for her birthday next month?!)
Such a fun week! See you next time :)

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