Last Week...

...we had dinner at our favorite spot, Lucille's. Charley is hilarious with her fork. She just stabs around until something is on it and then gobbles it up. Maybe we should work on aiming for the food.
...the girls played in the back yard while Daddy watered the flowers.
...we found some fruit on our lemon guava tree. I don't even know what that is, but it tastes pretty sweet.
...we got a nice rain storm, and the girls loved watching from the front door.
...Charley laid on the bed snuggled in her ladybug towel like a little burrito.
...Grace had gymnastics and jumped "weallllyy high on the twamp-o-lean".
...Charley's teacher is seriously the cutest. Look how she decorated the classroom door for September.
...we had Memphis barbecue on Wednesday (yes, we LOVE our barbecue). Charley obviously enjoyed stealing some of sister's ranch.
...she refused to fall completely asleep at bed time on Tuesday. She'd keep her eyes half open, just in case. Girl doesn't want to miss a thing.
...Grace face was her usual silly self.
...the girls snuggled on my lap and relaxed before bed.
...Char discovered fortune cookies.
...the girls think it's hilarious to jump onto Daddy from the ottoman. They giggle and keep climbing back up to jump over and over again.
...Grace taught Charley how to play "fetch". They totally crack me up.
...the girls snuggled and held hands while they slept in bed that night. This totally melts my heart into a puddle of love and pride. I love that my little girls are the best of friends and that they love each other so much.
...our neighbor's black lab had eight puppies. Grace went over to see them and came home begging Daddy for a puppy. She was really upset when he told her no because he never does.
...we went to Elijah's football game on Thursday. He had a great game, but injured his knee near the end. No worries, though. He continued making plays even as he limped in between tackles. I got some pretty good pictures including one of him running back his interception. It's pretty cool to be able to take the girls to our old stomping grounds and watch football and the cheerleaders. Grace really likes the band (especially the drums). Go Falcons!
Char had to practice her new trick...two nostrils at once! Silly girl.
...Charley's little eye got all red and goopy on Friday. Whenever she's got a cold coming on, her tear ducts get congested before her nose. Luckily, we had some eye drops left over from her last cold, so we started using those again.
...the girls baked some cookies and made some sandwiches. These may be their most favorite toys of all. They love to make snacks and bring Mommy and Daddy dinner.
...Kasie and I made some delicious Chicken Marsala for dinner on Friday. This recipe will definitely be added to our list of favorites.
...I took a photography class with my mom on Saturday with Trish from Studio ATG. They took our wedding photos and did Grace's baby photo shoot. They're really some of the best photographers out there. I learned SO much and have been practicing a lot ever since. At the end of class, Trish surprised us with some cupcakes from The Cupcakery. (Side Note: Sorry if some of my pictures aren't great for a while. I'm determined to get it down, so I'm working in manual mode a lot. Bear with me. I'll get there.) I tried getting a couple of the girls when I got home, but Charley wasn't having it. go along with the cupcakes, I made some other snacks when I got home. We had Zac, Stef, and Presley, Matt and Frannie, Geni, Chad, and Chase, and Kasie and Jeremy over to watch Mayweather vs Canelo. The kids all had fun playing with one another while the adults had fun hanging out, chatting, and playing beer pong. At the end of the night, Charley passed out in her sleeper, and Matt and Isaac tossed marshmallows into each other's mouths. We had such a fun night hanging out with all of these guys. It's crazy to see our house full of babies. I can't imagine what fight night will be like five years from now. There are going to be kids EVERYWHERE (and I wouldn't have it any other way)!
Kissing Cousins!
...Britney's new song was released on Sunday! Whoo hoo!! I've been waiting for this forever. Can't wait to see her multiple times during her two year Las Vegas residency.
...the girls walked around the house in their Rapunzel and Tinkerbell high heels. Charley looked so funny in them, but surprisingly did a great job and didn't even fall.
...we built forts and made s'mores while we watched football.
...Char played the iPad and learned how to play the matching game all by herself.
Smart little cookie!
See ya next week!

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